Location: Skype, virtual
Members attending: Larissa Garcia, Matt Olsen, April Levy, Marielle McNeal, Colleen Bannon, Molly Mansfield
Members absent: Christina Heady, Amy Hall, Mackenzie Salisbury
Staff attending: Lorna Engels, Debbie Campbell
Announcements: None
- Showcase
- Materials for Showcase
- Short Faculty/Librarian bios will be included in the conference packet. Please have posted by May 23rd.
- Was decided not to have discussion questions before sessions begin
- Finalized showcase evaluation questions
- Assignment of duties
- Panel: Mackenzie wil moderate; Matt, Debbie, and April will take notes. Questions were finalized and will be shared with faculty panelists.
- Session timekeepers (& introductions)
- 11:25: April and Marielle
- 1:10: Larissa and Colleen
- 2:10: Molly and Matt
- Annual Report
- Matt and Mackenzie posted a draft of the annual report to the shared drive. No comments.
- Larissa and Christina posted a draft of the “Leading Online Sessions” webinar write-up. No comments.
- Marielle will do the write-up for her "Train the Trainer" webinar.
- Think about serving as committee chair(s) for next year. Elections will be held at the next and final meeting of the year.
Tasks Assigned
- Debbie/Lorna will prepare the handouts for the showcase.
- Marielle will do the write-up for her "Train the Trainer" webinar.
- All returning committee members; think about serving as committee chair(s) for next year.