Conference Call
Members attending: Colleen Bannon (Midwestern), Larissa Garcia (Northern), Amy Hall (National-Lewis), Christina Heady (SIU), April Purcell Levy (Columbia), Marielle McNeal (North Park), Matt Olsen (Millikin), Mackenzie Salisbury (SAIC)
Members absent: Christina Heady (SIU), Molly Mansfield (Dominican)
Staff attending: Debbie Campbell
- A draft of the summary for the CARLI Annual Meeting is available on Google Drive. Please review and make suggestions by the October 9th meeting.
- Discussion on Theme:
- The Committee discussed selecting a theme for the year. This theme will guide the development of our continuing education programs and events.
- Mackenzie briefly provided an overview of the following themes:
- (Theme 1) Collaboration: Focus on collaboration with various units and people on campus (e.g faculty, university administration, students groups, etc.).
- Feedback from members: This theme has been loosely used in the past; it would be great if we had a specific focus this year. Focusing on faculty collaboration and the "train the trainer" is one approach we could explore.
- (Theme 2) Behind the Scenes of Instruction Librarians: Focuses on what instruction librarians do when they are not teaching.
- (Theme 3) Sustaining Programs and Projects: Focuses on creating instruction programs and projects that are sustainable.
- (Theme 4) Instruction Hacks: Tips/tricks and easy go-to teaching hacks.
- Vote on Theme:
- Members voted on a theme through Poll Everywhere.
- 50% voted for Faculty Collaboration, 30% voted for Sustaining Programs/Projects
- These themes can easily be combined since collaboration is one of the keys for unlocking sustainability.
- Events/Programs:
- Webinars: Great way to reach more librarians across the state. No travel is required and librarians can watch the recordings later.
- "Best Practices for Creating Webinars" – This webinar could focus on creating webinars for faculty and students. It fits our "collaboration/sustainable programs" theme.
- Date: Fall/Winter 2017
- Speakers: Larissa will check with the Teaching and Learning Center on her campus about possible speakers. Mackenzie will follow up with Christina about speakers as well.
- "Teach the Teacher Webinar" - This webinar might focus on the badging program and webinars North Park.
- Date: Winter/Spring 2018
- Speaker: Marielle and North Park Team?
- Software: CARLI uses Adobe Connect for webinars. Allows for multiple presenters and attendees can ask questions via chat.
- Unconference: Great idea but we might want to "test" it with one session during the Instruction Showcase to see if it works for us.
- Cyber Zed Shed Presentations: Short "talks" about tech tools that instruction librarians are using for collaboration.
- Instruction Showcase:
- Last year the committee received fewer proposals.
- Solutions/Ideas: (1) Include an unconference component or cyber zed shed presentations. (2) Include a panel or keynote presentation.
- Possible Dates/Hosts: Spring (Dominican University) and Summer (North Park University)
- Debbie will follow up with Lorna about contacting the appropriate office on both campuses. A series of paperwork will need to be completed before a final decision is made.
- Possible Collaboration with Resource Sharing Committee:
- The Resource Sharing Committee is interested in possibly partnering with the Instruction Committee on a program or event related to promoting/educating users about interlibrary loan services.
- Feedback from members: It would be great to partner with another CARLI committee. It’s still unclear what this partnership would look like in reality.
- Partnership Ideas: (1) What are the top things that ILL librarians want instruction librarians/users to know about ILL. (2) What strategies are instruction librarians using to educate users about ILL?
- Debbie will follow up with the Resource Sharing Committee at their meeting next week. Mackenzie or Matt will follow up with Debbie within the next few weeks and provide an update at next month’s meeting.
- Members voted on a theme for the year. This year’s theme will focus on collaboration and sustaining programs/projects.
- Members also decided on two webinar topics: (1) Best Practices for Creating Webinars (2) Train the Trainer. There was no formal vote, just a group decision.
Tasks assigned:
- Debbie will follow up with the Resource Sharing Committee about partnering with the Instruction Committee on a program/event. Mackenzie or Matt will follow up with Debbie within the next few weeks and provide an update at next month’s meeting.
- Mackenzie will follow up with Christina about possible speakers for the webinar.
- Larissa will check with the Teaching and Learning Center on her campus about possible webinar speakers.
- Debbie will follow up with Lorna about hosting the Instruction Showcase at Dominican or North Park. A series of paperwork will need to be completed before a final decision is made.
- All members will review draft of the summary for the CARLI Annual Meeting. Suggestions and edits should be made by the October 9th meeting.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines:
- Next Meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 9th at 1pm via conference call.