CARLI Offices, Champaign, Illinois
Members Present: Colleen Bannon, Frances Brady, Larissa Garcia, Michelle Guittar (phone), Christina Heady, Beth Mandrell, Lora Smallman (phone), Chelsea Van Riper, Anne Zald (phone)
CARLI Staff: Debbie Campbell, Lorna Engels
- The annual theme will be “Framing the Big Picture of Library Instruction.”
- The committee agreed to form two subgroups, divided geographically to meet in-person to work on specific tasks during the fall and spring.
- Susan Singleton provided a CARLI update to the group
Tasks assigned:
- Colleen and Frances to write an email to the instruction interest group explaining the annual theme and upcoming events.
- Larissa and Christina to finalize the afternoon agenda for spring workshop
- Lorna will contact HCC's facilities manager to check on HCC’s availability for hosting a workshop in the spring.
- TBD write a call for afternoon panelists.
- Chelsea will submit fill out the program planning proposal for Deb Gilchrist and Megan Oakleaf.
- Lorna will fill out the financial part of the form and submit.
- The committee will code the June showcase presentations through Google Docs.
- Meetings
- To encourage efficient meetings, the committee agreed to form two subgroups, divided geographically, to work on specific tasks in the fall and early spring. The northern group members include Frances, Michelle, Anne, Colleen and Larissa. The southern group members include Lora, Christina, Beth and Chelsea.
- The January meeting will be in person at the CARLI office with the option to call-in due to winter weather.
- Annual Theme
- The committee discussed the following topics for the annual theme:
- 21st Century Librarian
- Online Instruction
- Brushing up on basic skills
- Information Literacy Framework
- Assessment
- The committee chose “Framing the Big Picture of Library Instruction” for its annual theme.
- Annual Events
- In the fall, the committee is exploring the possibility of hosting a webinar that focuses on writing student learning outcomes, presented by Deb Gilchrist.
- The committee discussed having a workshop at Heartland Community College on March 16, 17, 18, or 23.
- The workshop will be led by Anne Zald of Northwestern University and focus on curriculum mapping.
- The committee will again host the Instruction Showcase during summer 2016.
- In fall 2016, the committee is planning to host another workshop that focuses on lesson planning and writing rubrics, hopefully presented by Megan Oakleaf.
Meeting Schedule:
- Next Meeting: TBD, conference call
- October 2015, conference call
- January 2016, in-person at CARLI office with call-in option
- April 2016, in-person in committee subgroups
- June 2016, conference call