Conference Call
Members Present: Frances Brady, Anne Zald, Michelle Guittar, Chelsea Van Riper, Frances Whaley, and Beth Mandrell
Members Absent: Molly Beestrum, Aimee Walker, Lora Smallman
CARLI Staff: Debbie Campbell, Lorna Engels
- CARLI Report
- Voyager 9.1 upgrades are happening. Staff are currently involved in completing 7 training webinars and testing system. The OPAC will remain the same.
- Toolkit
- Once it is complete, Debbie will post it to the public site.
- Lorna suggested printing it for board packet but because of the report size Frances suggested just printing a summary that indicates a link to visit for the full report. It was decided to print the frames section and provide a link to the entire Toolkit.
- Lorna says copies will need to be available by May 31st.
- Annual Report
- Lorna said that the annual report is also due May 31st, 2015.
- Frances and Michelle will work on this report and post to the list-serv for review.
- Instruction Showcase
- The keynote speaker is Karen Hogenboom from U of I – Champaign-Urbana. Lorna will have her write a short description about her presentation which is “How to build relationships with campus partners.”
- Amiee Walker has reserved rooms for the Showcase. All are labs for those who will need Internet access.
- Proposals: After some discussion about the proposals, it was decided that all would fit into the schedule.
- A suggestion was made to add “have you presented this before and where?” to the proposal form for future use to prevent having a proposal that may have been presented previously.
- The proposals fits 3 themes: authority (group B), format (group A), and evaluation tools (group C) and 2 outreach programmatic proposals.
- Group A: Crisp, Cheek, Nicholson
- Group B: Grossmann, Clark, Brady
- Group C: Shotick, Williams, Van Riper
- Outreach programmatic: Khailova, Sutter
- Each group will present two times with the 2 outreach presentations done the last hour of the Showcase.
- The schedule for the 2015 CARLI Showcase will possibly be:
- 9:30am – 9:50am Registration
- 9:50am – 10:00am Welcome
- 10:00am - 10:55am Round 1: Group A or B
- 11:00am - 11:55am Round 2: Group B or C
- 12:00pm - 1:15pm Keynote/ Lunch
- 01:20pm - 02:15pm Round 3: Group A or C
- 02:20pm - 03:00pm Round 4
- Committee Membership
- New members include Colleen Bannon, Heartland Community College, Christina Heady, SIUC, and Larissa Garcia, NIU.
- Chelsea Van Riper and Frances Brady indicated that they would like to learn more about being chair or co-chairs of the committee.
- Frances Whaley will develop a summary and diagram of the toolkit to send out to the committee for approval.
- Lorna will have keynote speaker write a short description about her presentation.
- Frances Whaley will contact Reina Williams about the Poll Everywhere presentation.
- Frances & Michelle will notify the Showcase presenters.
- Lorna will open Showcase registration, possibly next week, after confirming some things with Aimee.
- Lorna will send a Doodle poll for best date to have phone call with Chelsea Van Riper and Frances Brady.
- Lorna or Debbie will schedule a phone call to speak with Chelsea and Frances about being committee chair.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines
- Next Meeting: June 19, 2015, phone, 10:00-11:30
- Minutes schedule: June 2015 Lora Smallman