Conference Call
Members Present: Molly Beestrum, Frances Brady, Michelle Guittar, Beth Mandrell, Laura Mondt, Lora Smallman, Chelsea Van Riper, Aimee Walker, Frances Whaley
Members Absent: Anne Zald
CARLI Staff: Debbie Campbell, Lorna Engels
- The Instruction Committee will hold a 90-minute webinar with a panel of speakers that will each present for 20-30 minutes and then answer questions.
- The Instruction Committee would still like to try to hold a second webinar on partnering with faculty or faculty perspectives on the role of the library if we can find additional presenters.
- The Instruction Committee will create an instruction toolkit for our annual project that focuses on three different stages in the research process: general, subject-specific, thesis/seminar/graduate.
- The CARLI newsletter will be coming out within the next week.
- Michelle’s colleague, Kimberly Shotick, will present about using e-book chapters as scholarly sources on behalf of the Instruction Committee at the Collection Management Committee e-book symposium in the late-April/early-May.
Tasks assigned:
- Anne will follow up with Melissa Bowles-Terry to confirm exact topic she will be speaking about for webinar and how long she would like to speak.
- The committee will follow-up with Dawn Lockwood about presenting for webinar about faculty orientations.
- Chelsea will follow-up with the dean she had spoken to that showed interest in presenting for the webinar.
- Michelle will create a Doodle Poll to distribute to presenters to determine availability for a 90-minute webinar starting at 10am or 1pm some time during the last two weeks of February (16th-27th), preferably on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday.
- Aimee will confirm availability of North Central College to host Instruction Showcase on June 17th or 18th.
- Debbie will check with CARLI webmaster to determine options for linking to toolkit created outside
- Each of the toolkit sub-groups should plan to meet before the December meeting to come up with a rough outline of the types of things they feel should be included in their section of the toolkit.
- Webinar
- Melissa Bowles-Terry has agreed to do a webinar. Waiting to hear back from Anne on exact topic
- Dawn Lockwood is also willing to present on faculty orientation
- Still looking for volunteers on partnerships with faculty or the faculty perspective on partnering with librarians. Continue emailing Frances Whaley about this and she will compile a list of responses.
- Try to avoid late March/early April because of conferences and other activities
- Looking at dates some time in the last two weeks of February (16th - 27th) depending on when everyone is available
- Create a Doodle poll with series of dates to ask presenters (avoiding Monday and Friday, if possible)
- Start at 10am or 1pm and no more than 90 minutes
- Each presenter could have 20-30 minutes with possibly a larger chunk of time for Melissa, if needed
- Instruction Toolkit
- Can possibly create using Wordpress, but we do have an option to post directly to the CARLI website. The Instruction Committee feels it would be more collaborative and easier to facilitate using a tool like Wordpress. Debbie will check with CARLI webmaster to find out option for just linking to something we’ve created.
- The Committee will be divided into three groups to focus on specific themes based on stages of research processes in higher education.
- General Research: Beth, Chelsea, Frances W., Laura
- Subject Specific: Lora, Molly, Michelle, Aimee
- Thesis/Seminar/Graduate: Anne, Frances B., Michelle
- Each section of the toolkit will contain learning outcomes and activates related to the specific stage of the research process.
- We will decide on a platform once we have a better idea of the content we will be creating.
- Instruction Showcase
- North Central College can possibly host it after June 13th
- Ideally, the Instruction Committee would like it to be held June 17th or 18th.
- Collection Management Committee E-Book Symposium update
- The Instruction Committee was asked by the Collection Management Committee to put together a breakout session for last week April/first week May about e-books in instruction
- The sessions would be 45 minutes and repeated
- Michelle’s colleague has a presentation about using e-book chapters as scholarly sources instead of journals that she would be willing to give at the symposium on behalf of the Instruction Committee
Meeting Dates and Deadlines:
- Next Meeting: Friday, December 19, 2014, phone, 10:00-11:30
- Meeting Schedule:
- Friday, December 19, 2014, phone, 10:00-11:30
- Friday, January 16, 2015, phone, 10:00-11:30
- Friday, February 20, 2015, phone, 10:00-11:30
- Friday, March 20, 2015, phone, 10:00-11:30
- Friday, April 17, 2015, phone, 10:00-11:30
- Friday, May 15, 2015, phone, 10:00-11:30
- Friday, June 19, 2015, phone, 10:00-11:30