Conference Call
Members Present: Frances Brady, Michelle Guittar, Beth Mandrell, Laura Mondt, Lora Smallman, Chelsea Van Riper, Frances Whaley, Anne Zald
Members Absent: Molly Beestrum, Aimee Walker
CARLI Staff Present: Lorna Engels
CARLI Staff Absent: Debbie Campbell
- Webinar – 2 session series, one featuring librarians discussing partnerships to promote faculty development (Dec/Jan timeframe), another featuring faculty sharing what worked to draw them into a partnership with a librarian or the library (Feb timeframe)
- Invitation from the Collection Management Committee to participate in an eBook symposium – we are investigating ideas and will respond to them soon
- Toolkit (annual project) – identify library instruction activities by level, e.g. high school, orientation, FYE, capstone, graduate students, faculty education. Using WordPress considered. Much more planning needed.
- Denise Green starting as a CARLi staff member on 10/20/14 in User Services.
- North Central could host the Instruction Showcase but not until after June 15. Choose date at the November meeting
Tasks assigned:
- Frances will query the committee by email to identify those availabile to participate in the faculty development webinar
- Lorna will check the CARLi calendar in Feb and using those dates/times we will have volunteers recruit faculty participants from different disciplines
- Chelsea will draft Listserv/Blog post about how people connect with faculty to schedule instruction. Who initiates the contact? What strategies used. As a lead in to the webinar topics.
- All committee members will think about the Toolkit project – types of content, template for content/sections for further discussion at November meeting.
- Webinar – query to listserv compiled and distributed by Frances but yielded little about partnership practices. Round table sharing of partnership work by committee members summarized along 3 threads:
- Partnerships that support faculty development
- Partnerships focused on new student orientation and/or FYE programs
- Partnerships between individual faculty and librarians focused on course-related instruction (as opposed to programmatic partnerships)
- Earliest we could schedule would be December or January
- Can record webinar to share with those unable to attend
- Invitation to participate in an EBook symposium in development by Collections Management Committee.
- Frances has a colleague who developed a session for faculty on how to use ebook features to support study skill development
- NEIU has a libguide on the various ebook providers and platforms
- No responses to prompts from the Collections committee regarding faculty use of ebooks, ‘teaching to’ ebook content. Committee members are not seeing this. Instruction, if any, is individual at reference desk or general connection info in library instruction sessions.
- Are any committee members participating in the ERead Illinois PDA project and does that yield any possible topics?
- Teaching the platform(s) – training. There is confusion among faculty related to the various platforms, ereaders, multiplicity of vendors and formats (interface features, time of use, printing options, etc.).
- Specifics of a session not needed until January (length, format).
- Toolkit is our proposed annual project
- Identify library instruction activities by leveSample activities, learning objectives, all by level of instruction, e.g. high school, orientation, FYE, capstone, faculty
- Template for each level and topic needed
- Distribution of content development and timelines needed
- WordPress suggested as platform as CARLI technology is in transition
Meeting Dates and Deadlines:
- Next Meeting: Friday, November 21, 2014, phone, 10:00-11:30
- Meeting Schedule:
- Friday, December 19, 2014, phone, 10:00-11:30
- Friday, January 16, 2014, phone, 10:00-11:30
- Friday, February 20, 2014, phone, 10:00-11:30
- Friday, March 20, 2014, phone, 10:00-11:30
- Friday, April 17, 2014, phone, 10:00-11:30
- Friday, May 15, 2014, phone, 10:00-11:30
- Friday, June 19, 2014, phone, 10:00-11:30
- Minutes Schedule:
- July 2014- Laura Mondt
- August 2014- Lora Smallman
- September 2014- Chelsea Van Riper
- October 2014- Anne Zald
- November 2014- Aimee Walker
- December 2014- Frances Whaley
- January 2015- Molly Beestrum
- February 2015- Frances Brady
- March 2015- Michelle Guittar
- April 2015- Beth Mandrell
- May 2015- Laura Mondt
- June 2015- Lora Smallman