Conference Call
Meeting convened at 1:30 p.m.
Members attending: Lori Murphy (DPU) Chair; Lynnette Fields (SIE), Susan Gallagher (UIS), Dennis McGuire (COL), Deborah Morris (ROU), Kavita Mundle (UIC), Heather Parisi (DOM), John Whisler (EIU), Edith List (PRC, IUG Liaison)
Absent: Catherine Suchy (JCC)
Staff attending: Cathy Salika (CARLI staff liaison), Casey Sutherland, Nicole Swanson
Cathy Salika introduced Nicole Swanson, one of the new Library Services Coordinators in CARLI User Services.
Action items
- Cathy Salika to send email to CARLI membership announcing “RDA in the I-Share Environment” webinar, with links to three reviewed webinars
- Cathy will ask Paige if she will present on RDA display in WebVoyage and VUFind
- John and Casey to work on presentations for the webinar and present outlines during the November ICAT conference call
- Cathy will contact Marjorie Bloss about participating in the Spring Forum and invite her to an ICAT conference call
Old Business
- Approval of minutes: Minutes from the August 20, 2012 meeting were approved.
- Evaluation of RDA webinars
- Discussion centered on the amount and complexity of material covered.
- Most felt there was a lot of material covered and that the webinars were somewhat overwhelming
- Despite that the webinars were seen as helpful for the target audience of copy catalogers and that any initial confusion of RDA structure and vocabulary would be eased by referring to the RDA Toolkit
- Lori mentioned that Joan Schuitema of NEIU plans to start an RDA Catalogers Group that will meet in the Chicago area.
- Changes in the MARC to RDA mapping since the webinars were created were mentioned and whether to inform the membership about this as a caveat to watching the webinars was discussed. The committee decided to present the webinars without qualifications.
- The committee approved the distribution of the webinars (via email links) to CARLI members.
- Plans for the 4th and 5th webinars
- Two ICAT created webinars are planned for early December
- “RDA For Everyone” (1:00)
- Presentation about RDA display in WebVoyage and VUFind—Paige Weston (pending) (20 minutes)
- Effect of RDA Authority records on faceted searching in VUFind—John Whisler (20 minutes)
- Q&A Session (20 minutes)
- “RDA for Technical Services” (1:30)
- CARLI plans for loading RDA Authority File—Cathy Salika (10 minutes)
- Tools for authority clean-up
- Strawn Utilities—Casey Sutherland (30 minutes)
- Plan B, or Manual clean-up—John Whisler (30 minutes)
- Q&A Session focusing on questions submitted before the webinar—Lynn Fields (20 minutes)
- Spring Forum planning
- A full day workshop on RDA Cataloging for original records
- Marjorie Bloss is our preferred presenter
- She will discuss cataloging all types of materials
- Using the RDA Toolkit
- The committee will ask Marjorie to structure the workshop as she sees fit
New Business
- Review of the draft charge for the Technical Services Committee
- Everyone agreed the wording of the charge was fine.
- There was some discussion of how the new committee would function.
- John mentioned that we were not asked to consider the functionality of the new committee but rather to just review the charge.
Standing Reports
IUG Report
- The committee met on Friday September 28, 2012 to discuss the charge of the restructured CARLI Committees
- Feedback about the new charges is welcome
- Address any concerns to (Cathy?)
Next meeting Monday November 5, 2012, 1:30-3:00
Meeting adjourned at 2:52.