Present: James Edstrom (WRH – Chair), Tom Goetz (WRH – IUG Liaison), Sharon Nelson (NIU), Carol Rhoades (ISU), Jen Masciadrelli (CARLI), Carol Doyle (NWU), Eric Nygren (NBY), Joan Schuitema (NEI), Stephen Smith (UIC)
Not Present: Tonya Webb (UIU), John Ballestro (SIC)
Confirm minute taker – Carol Doyle
Approval of August 22, Minutes
CARLI Report - Jen: Working with four new I-Share libraries, had data review calls, will have training next week in Champaign. Will be integrated, up and running in Voyager in January. The libraries are Richland CC, Morton College, Southwestern Illinois College, Southeastern Illinois College.
Hired two new user services staff will be starting October 1st, both from I-Share libraries.
CARLI annual meeting is November 9th and Margaret Chambers sent out a Survey Monkey to gauge interest in meeting topics, please fill out the survey. Stephen brought up that the Charleston conference will be held at the same time as the CARLI annual meeting.
Question from Tom, will there be room In the client training for new libraries for existing I-Share library staff. Jen will get back.
Report from Tom – IUG Liaison: Met on August 28th – we were briefed on new structure, what roles will be. Did brainstorming on what we’re trying to accomplish. One topic is e-books, hoping to address the non-shareable aspects, best practices. He believes there will possibly no longer be a IUG liaison – because groups report directly to the board.
Discussing forum for CARLI liaisons. All 80 I-Share libraries have a designated I-Share liaison.
Webinars: James inquired about webinars that were conducted last year. We did tutorials. Andy Myer from North Park did a webinar on finding best prices. Alexis Rogers from Lincoln Land Community College – did a tutorial on complex publication patterns
Is there a demand for webinars, especially because of constrained travel budgets? What is difference between wink tutorial and webinar? Jen brought up that you can record webinars for later use. A discussion then took place on webinars: how long are they typically, what is their best use?
James then brought up the idea of a webinar on Voyager Acquisitions reconciliation with campus accounting (such as Banner). Maybe do this one and one other for a total of two. How much prep time do you need to have? Jen mentioned that you need about one to two months lead time and the biggest thing can be getting the registration setup. We decided on two webinar topics: reconciliation and fund structure. James is willing to do webinar on reconciliation in mid to late November.
It was asked how often does reconciliation take place, Eric mentioned that at Newberry it is annually. Sharon spoke about the need to reduce the number of systems that are in place: at her school there is the university system, the library system and Voyager.
Joan brought up the idea of asking people what they would like to learn in the webinars, we could ask people to respond in the ‘save the date’ announcement. People may have unique issues and this will let us know what they are. James then mentioned that the webinar could have three parts: Reconciliation issues, common concerns based on feedback, questions and answers.
The group then discussed the possibility of a webinar on fund structure and decided that reconciliation would be first, fund structure second.
Forums and Open Houses: Do we have thoughts about spring forum? The group discussed setting up a quick survey for people in IACQ to see what they are interested in. Also, Jen will go over older surveys and send prior feedback to the group for review.
RDA is rolling out in March, so it will be a big year for cataloging.
Open houses: be of particular interest to newest members. Tom and Jim will investigate holding an open house at WRH. No feedback regarding an open house at UIU as both John (who was contacting Lynn) and Tonya (who is at UIU) were not at the meeting.
Next meeting October 17th – meeting adjourned.