Attendance: Chris Bulock (Chair), Jeanne Cross, Denise Green, Mary Konkel, Steve McMinn, Jon Blosser, CM! Winters-Palacio, Joe Mullarkey, Cindy Clennon, Elizabeth Clarage, Mary Burkee
Vendors: Discussion of difficulty getting pricing to selection system. Most issues now resolved.
Alexander Street Press Purchase: Activation messages have been issued. Information added to One-time Purchase listing. MARC records distribution in process.
SFX Report: Denise volunteered to update the report (for 2012 data) she compiled from SFX data last year entitled "Journals Requested but no Full Text Found: All CARLI Sponsored SFX Instances" for period of Jan. 1, 2010 - Dec. 31, 2011.
FY2014 Selection System: 69 libraries have competed selections with two weeks still left. In 2012, 123 libraries participated in the Spring (FY) selection period.
Selection System redesign: Redesign may be ready for Spring Selection 2014. 24 responses to selection system redesign survey so far. 20 felt system was easy to use. New Proposals to Review
Proposal page not yet available on new website
Possible Usage Statistics Forum Planning: Could re-invite presenters who could not make February event due to snow storm. Discuss location and topics at the next meeting.
Collections Co-Sponsoring Event: Elizabeth reported on several possible topics that are currently being considered by the Collections Working Group including a copyright webinar (August or September), PDA webinar (early 2014), weeding and storing unique collections (Spring 2014). There is also some interest in e-textbook programs and the use of “Get It Now.”