Attendance: Chris Bulock (Chair), Jeanne Cross, John Blosser, Mary Konkel, Marisa Walstrum, Cindy Clennon, Stephen McMinn, Joe Mullarkey
Tomorrow deadline for ebook RFI
Academic Search Premier impact factor study
Alexander Street Press purchase: Waiting for purchasing to finalize change order. Nursing will no longer be available through subscription. Libraries will have to be careful they do not sign up for subscriptions that CARLI is purchasing for them. Looking to end of April for access to start. Currently working on pricing for subscriptions now.
Usage Statistics Symposium:
New Possible fall e-resources forum
FY2014 Selection System status report: Still working with Ebsco on pricing. Working with CREDO on some pricing issues. Most pricing loaded. Hopeful to open next week.
Meeting adjourned 2:30 - Next meeting May 13, 2013