Attendance: Chris Bulock (Chair), Jeanne Cross, Denise Green, Mary Konkel, Joe Mullarkey, Marisa Walstrum, and CARLI staff Cindy Clennon, Mary Burkee.
One new database proposal has come in and will be presented before the April EWRG meeting.
Alexander Street Press purchase update: Cindy and CARLI staff working on license related and pricing matters for Alexander Street Press (ASP) purchase. Some CARLI members will not be able to participate due to out-of-state campus concerns. A membership survey is in progress of 15 CARLI members with multi-state campuses about how these campuses work with IP ranges, library support, governance, finances, etc. CARLI is still optimistic the ASP collections purchased will be functioning in April 2013. ASP plans a national press release.
Usage Statistics Webinar and Symposium Update: The webinar this morning went well with over 60 participants. An email reminder will go out very soon about registration for the March 25 Symposium. Currently 62 folks are registered. All discussed the morning and afternoon schedule and presentations. Mary and Cindy will meet with hotel staff soon to confirm room and food arrangements.
FY2014 Selection System status report: Mary reported most pricing information has arrived for the roster of databases/resources. After checking and uploading the information, Mary plans to have the system up for selectors by mid-April.
Selection system upgrade: Cindy reported a contractor will be hired to upgrade the selection system software. She will send user surveys to CARLI member library staff. User input important to improve selection system as well as CARLI staff list of items to change/upgrade.
Academic Search Premier title list A discussion about the loss of titles took place. Cindy had several questions for the group to ponder including lack of notification, embargos issues, consulting (or not) advisory groups and the quality of titles added. Discussion will continue at the April meeting including a review of impact factors and how to define “significant loss of content” more precisely in future negotiations.
Possible fall e-resources forum: All generated ideas for a Fall E-Resources informal event focusing on best practices and announcements held at a CARLI library. Possible forum topics include:
Next meeting April 8, 2013