Conference Call
Attendance: Chris Bulock (Chair), Jeanne Cross, John Blosser, Mary Konkel, Marisa Walstrum, Cindy Clennon, Mary Burkee, Stephen McMinn, Joe Mullarkey
Alexander Street Press offer update
- great member response—125 libraries participating
- top title: American History and Video followed by Education, then Nursing collectionsc) target of April for enabling access
- current VAST subscribers will be notified about price adjustments
Usage Statistics Webinar and Symposium Update
- Denise Green is finalizing her slides for the pre-seminar Webinar scheduled for March 11.
- Planning Committee is finalizing the schedule for the March 25 program.
- Call for proposals for breakout sessions was sent. Planning Committee will review after the February 20th deadline.
SBRnet update
Selection System Update
- Pricing requests for vendors are being prepared and are on target for a rollout mid-April through mid-May
- There are no contracts expiring for this FY period.
- This Summer, CARLI is planning to redesign the selection system which will include updating software and will be hiring a contractual software developer. As we utilize the system this Spring, look at functionality and note any fixes, enhancements, etc. that you would like. An example given was: What about a SELECT ALL CURRENT SUBSCRIPTIONS button?
Other Business
- No new news on the Ebook RFP which was sent to Purchasing in December
- We will table the trial for Intelecom until next year in conjunction with a member interest survey. With Alexander Street Press videos rolling out, members will be busy.
- EBSCO selected the Taylor & Francis titles no longer in Academic Search
- Premiere based on lowest usage. Their replacement content is not as valuable. CARLI will ask for greater justification in negotiating/renewing future contracts
- Next meeting March 11, 2013