Present: Chris Bulock, Elizabeth Clarage (CARLI), Cindy Clennon (CARLI), Anita Foster (Chair), Denise Green, Gwen Harrison (ISL), Mary Konkel, Monica Moore, Joe Mullarkey
Spring Selection System: It’s moving along, as we approach the end in 2.5 weeks (May 31). Most libraries (60%) have done something in the system. Last year we ended with 2,031 selections made. Right now we have 1,236 selections. The current dollar amount of selections is around $4.1 million. Libraries seem to be subscribing to about the same amount as last year. The biggest libraries haven’t completed selections yet. Not a lot of problems so far, though vendors have caused some pricing glitches. After the system closes, CARLI will send participation statements to the vendors.
Reps from JSTOR will be coming to CARLI in June to talk about changes to their amendments for adding collections. They will be releasing Arts & Sciences XI soon, so it would be a big benefit to simplify the process.
Program Topics: ditional ideas? We still need to mull over ideas and narrow them down. We also need to consider partnerships with other CARLI groups, or outside speakers (such as staff from JISC or SCELC to speak about usage stats).
Cindy also brought up the topic of evaluating and leaving big deals. CARLI’s Wiley and Springer deals are coming up for renewal, and members may be interested. Chris has heard Jonathan Nabe from SIUC speak on this at NASIG.
The Program Planning Committee normally asks for 6 months advance notice, so late fall or Spring would still be possible.
Electronic Resources Interest Survey: Draft of the survey available here: . Planned to send it out around the time of the selection system closing. When the survey is sent out, the accompanying message will make it clear that survey is for Fall at earliest.
Springer and Wiley e-journal negotiations: CARLI is trying to keep Springer focused on finishing up their eBook deal. Wiley will probably stick with a version of their current collection model. ERWG will be called upon to review any major changes to subscription models.
Chair of ERWG for FY2013: No volunteers yet. There’s not a whole of work to do. Just contact Cindy if you’re interested.
Call ended 2:11