Conference Call
Attending: Cindy Clennon (CARLI), Mary Burkee (CARLI), Anita Foster (Chair), Chris Bulock, John Blosser, Joe Mullarkey, Mary Konkel, Denise Green
- No new product proposals/recommendations
- CARLI Office: CARLI is already at work on Spring 2013 selection products (including Gale, Ebsco, Credo, OCLC) and getting purchasing documentation ready for State procurement deadlines and the required public hearings. Sole source hearings will be scheduled for late March.
- Invoices for Fall selection products should be out in June. Email Cindy Clennon if you require them sooner.
- Still in discussions with Proquest regarding Chicago Tribune or other newspaper package which would include the Tribune.
- Administrative fees for Ebsco ebooks have been eliminated. This was announced at ALA.
- CARLI will be hosting a pre-conference March 15 in Oak Brook, prior to the IACRL Conference. There will be vendor presentations on discovery and access systems.
- Master File/Survey of member libraries electronic resources offerings: IL State Library package database titles were added to the list. Several of us had not included these resources when we surveyed our libraries for this project. It was suggested to put these in a separate category in the spreadsheet. Prominently note the date (AS OF) these resources were checked and reviewed as libraries (including ISL) are adding and cancelling as budgets allow.
- Draft Electronic Resources Interest Survey feedback: . Survey was based on our previous survey. It was agreed that the survey should not be anonymous, so follow up could be done. Timeline to send out survey would be late May to coincide with the end of the Spring selection process, so communications would be more focused on each task. In QUESTION 9, add another category with radio buttons for ANOTHER CONSORTIA, so we can track libraries who may be getting these resources from a consortia other than CARLI.
CARLI staff meetings with ebook vendors at ALA: CARLI staff met with several ebook vendors at ALA (EBL, Ebsco, Proquest (ebrary), Ingram, and YBP). Vendors were to come prepared with responses to 12 questions that CARLI sent to them in advance of the meeting. Vendor presentations were very informative and varied in styles and level of information shared. Cindy had also previously heard presentations from ebrary and YBP at the Charleston Conference. We would most likely be the largest consortia for these vendors. How this would be funded and which model (I-Share only, select, volunteer recruited, etc.) to use are the big questions.
Other Business
- Journal survey: Denise updated her SFX-generated report and added “journals requested but no journal found.” Dissertation Abstracts was not included, some “not exactly journal titles” were included, and Serials Solutions’ libraries were not included as they do not collect data in this manner. It was no surprise that psychology and medical titles were high, as well as Elsevier published titles. Kudos to Denise for her extra time and efforts on this project.
- Anita will be on vacation for our next meeting. If interested in leading the meeting, please contact her. Could be an opportunity for a “Chair in training”.
The next meeting will be held Monday, March 12, 2012 from 1:30-3 p.m.