Members Attending: Jacob Del Rio, Robin Hofstetter, Joanna Kolendo, Elizabeth Nelson, Elizabeth Outler, Jennifer Patterson, Megan Ruenz
Members Absent: Sara Rizzo, Lisa Wallis
CARLI Staff Attending: Yanira Cruz, Nicole Ream-Sotomayor, Ted Schwitzner, Marisa Tolbert
- CARLI has hired a new staff member to join the User Services unit. This new team member brings experience in Alma Acquisitions.
- The survey has been completed as today is the deadline for submission.
- There potentially will be a meeting with Ex Libris about how we can use theCZUTL page to improve it as they roll it out.
- The Committee continued to discuss creating a March event to share information about electronic resources. We will wait for the survey results to help plan for this initiative.
- A Committee member suggested that we attend other committees’ programs and described CARLI’s Discovery Committee’s workshop, which was more practical and hands-on than theoretical. The Committee presented options for the format of the March program. One option is a program with fewer presenters with longer presentations. Another possibility is something like "Lab Reports," which had more presenters and consists of quick sessions. A specific event conducted in the past was "Lab Reports" on December 14, 2024. Previous events included discussions on IPEDS, which were relevant to our audience.
- There was a suggestion to hold this event during the Committee’s regular meetings’ day and time, which sparked further discussion.
- During our meeting, we also discussed the EBSCO interface change. Some members questioned whether everyone has transitioned to the new interface; some have access to the old and new links, while others still need to make the switch. The official shift to the new interface is set for January 2025, but EBSCO will extend this deadline to August.
- The decision of how to turn off specific state-donated databases as they might not be applicable was mentioned. Issues with the databases in Primo VE were also discussed.CARLI has formed a group to discuss inventory groups and opting out of a database from Alma. No decision has been reached.
- Ted demonstrated how to locate and remove specific Open Access resources in Alma.
- There were suggestions about how to handle the same databases repeatedly requested for trials by staff/faculty.
- Approval of October 30, 2024 minutes.
- Meeting Dates and Times Discussed. Changing meeting to 2nd Friday instead of 3rd Friday. November will be 11/15 as previously scheduled.
Tasks Assigned
- Joanna Kolendo took minutes.
- Analyze survey results to create the March event.
Meeting Dates
- Next Meeting: Friday, December 13, 1 pm. Minutes: Elizabeth Nelson