Members Attending: Robin Hofstetter, Liz Hollendonner,Elizabeth Nelson, Jennifer Patterson, Megan Ruenz, Lisa Wallis
Members Absent: Andrea Imre, Sara Rizzo
CARLI Staff Attending: Denise Green, Nicole Ream-Sotomayor, Marisa Tolbert
- CARLI Announcements:
- Tech Services Q & A on May 23rd will focus on Annual Acquisitions Activities.
- Lisa Jones, EBSCO Trainer, is hosting a web session on Using the new EBSCOhost on May 16, 2024, at 9:00 AM.
- CARLI will retire the current selection system and use Consortia Manager to handle the electronic resources starting with Calendar Year 2025. The historical record of selections will migrate over to the new platform.
- Discussion on the ERMC Annual Report, Chairperson, and new members
- Robin Hofstetter will write the report and submit it for approval by the committee by May 29th.
- For continuation of future projects to include in the report:
- Browser changes that can impact users of Google Chrome, including the hide IP feature, removing link decoration, and third-party cookie tracking.
- Work continues organizing the OCLC data sync.
- Elizabeth Nelson will serve as co-chair with another member yet to be determined.
- There are nine positions on the ERMC, not including the CARLI staff. Three committee members terms end on June 30, 2024. In addition, there is one two year term vacancy to fill.
- Other end of academic year discussions:
- EPOCH Times is contacting multiple staff members at some institutions.
- Alternative options for Nexis Uni for use by academic departments such as criminal justice, political science, and international studies. One alternative is Hein Online, although Nicole Ream-Sotomayor mentioned that the Commercial Products Committee will send out a survey to help CARLI members gather insight into brokering needs.
- Infobase negotiations were unsuccessful, and CARLI members will renew directly through Infobase.
- Minutes of the April 10, 2024 meeting approved.
Tasks Assigned
- Robin Hofstetter did meeting minutes.
- Minute taker schedule remains:
- Sara Rizzo – June 12, 2024, at 10 am
Meeting Dates
- Next Meeting: June 12, 2024 10 am Minutes: Sara Rizzo
ADJOURNED: 2:40 pm