Members Attending: Craig Whetten (Western Illinois University), Elaine Fetyko Page (Elmhurst University), Megan Ruenz (Wheaton College), Lisa Wallis (Northeastern Illinois University), Liz Hollendonner (Millikin University), Elizabeth Nelson (McHenry County College)
CARLI Staff Attending: Denise Green, Nicole Ream-Sotomayor
Members Absent: Andrea Imre (South Illinois University Carbondale), Sara Rizzo (National Louis University)
- Denise shared upcoming CARLI events
- Nicole shared a reminder that the E-resources selection system is open through May 12.
- This year there is a new tab for systems like OpenAthens and Leganto.
- ProQuest/ASP streaming video subscriptions update-need to be purchased directly with PQ going forward as no contract through CARLI could be agreed upon.
- If you do not select the access fees this year for any ASP collections, including Black Thought & Culture and Women, you can’t re-select it in the future.
- Minutes of the February meeting approved with no changes.
- NewsBank article-level linking (suggested by Marisa who was unable to attend). Denise explained this is not currently built into the collection, but you can add a PrimoVE Webhook, which requires a code from the vendor.
- Would we like to sponsor a session that features this for CARLI members? Maybe in the fall?
- Denise will ask ExLibris to work on the NewsBank parser to be updated to article-level linking instead of the generic journal-level linking.
- Vendor Licenses in Alma
- Megan has experience inputting vendor licenses in Alma.
- Megan has a student worker that has been trained to look for specific information to put into Alma and not all the fields are required. Many fields have drop downs but a few have a space to copy and paste the license wording instead.
- Can customize what shows in PrimoVE through configuration.
- Was not a priority during implementation but now libraries are starting to ask how this works and if it would be useful to start doing in their institutions.
- Should we do something with this next fall? Such as discuss priorities to enter, reasons for use, Analytics aspect. Lisa, Liz, and Elaine would like to work on putting licenses into Alma over the summer for their institutes.
- Display Logic and Direct Linking in Primo VE: do we need to develop further or remind people that CARLI resources exist for them to use?
- Changes are coming for NZ collections in regards to display logic in the next 3-6 months.
- CARLI hasn’t discussed this in over a year and could revisit.
- Spring Committee Report:
- Due by May 31.
- Needs to include what we did this year and should include what we plan to work on next year.
- Liz will start a document that looks at meeting minutes to list what we did behind the scenes and publicly.
- Nicole mentioned building a document template in Box.
Tasks Assigned
- Liz Hollendonner did meeting minutes.
- Liz Hollendonner will take the lead in building the committee report before the May meeting, where the group will work on it together. Nicole Ream-Sotomayor will make sure the document template is started in Box.
Meeting Dates
- Next Meeting: May 18, 2023
ADJOURNED: 10:16 am