via Zoom
Attendees - Amy Maroso, Nathan Thebarge, Aimee Walker, Alice Creason, Christine McClure, Colin Koteles, Jessica Gibson, Lindsey Skaggs, Tami Luedtke, Amy Killebrew
- Confirm minutes taker: Nathan Thebarge .
- Approve minutes from the November 17, 2021 meeting.
Motion made by Nathan, seconded by Aimee Walker, minutes approved
- Committee Reports
- Colin Koteles (COD) - E-Resources Management Task Force
Primo Analytics Reports
- Nathan Thebarge (TIU) - Resource Sharing Committee
Overlap in terms of documentation being provided for Resource Sharing
- Lindsey Skaggs (ISU) - Instruction Committee
Nothing related to Primo
- Marlee Graser (SIE) - Tech Services Committee
Not able to attend
- Christine McClure (DPU) - Public Service Committee
Continuing to refine survey related to controlled digital lending
- Amy Killebrew (COL) - Collection Management Committee
Looking at Analytics, but focused on distinguishing what can be done in Alma and what needs to be done in Alma Analytics
- Unfinished Business
- Hide I-Share request link custom javascript code
Colin tested it, and it seemed to be working. Aimee also found that it seemed to be working as well. Alice noted that it flickered as an option for a second, but seemed to work. One issue - for schools that do not have local requesting, it says “Requesting” but does not have any option. These are in the notes she uploaded to CARLI.
Jessica offered to create a test view on behalf of institutions so they do not have to work with the code themselves.
- I-Share union view (Aimee, Amy, Lindsey, Nathan, Tami)
Aimee is going to work on the cards for the union view. The subcommittee is going to review the cards probably via email. They will meet in January to wrap up any loose ends and talk about how to proceed in terms of meeting. Jessica suggested that the results of the committee's work could be presented at Office Hours.
- Local resource types (Marlee, Tami)
Discussed and began working on creating documentation related to their testing and the recommendations that emerged from that work.
- Local Fields (Aimee, Colin, Marlee, Tami)
Subcommittee met, set up a plan to do concrete testing in the sandboxes. Jessica is going to set up some local fields in the network sandbox and push them out to the other sandboxes. Aimee discussed liaisons going back to their CARLI committees to find out if there are fields that they are used to seeing or would be good to see in a public interface that are not currently available.
- PrimoVE analytics (Amy K, Alice, Christine)
Met, have direction for the subgroup - focused on documentation defining some of the out-of-the-box analytics available, defining them and what they do.
- Showcase (Aimee, Lindsey) -- TABLED
- Potential areas of inquiry/work for the Task Force
Everyone has enough on their plate, will focus on continuing or wrapping up subgroup projects.
- New Business
Jessica asked for feedback on the task force. It was brought up that, while the progress was slow, progress has been made. It was suggested that perhaps the task force should consist partly of members of other committees. Another idea was to invite other committees to participate with task forces.
The task force will need to submit a report in March 2022 so the board can see its progress and get our feedback on whether the task force should continue. The report will include what we accomplished and what our recommendation for the future of the task force will be.
The report will be on the agenda for the next meeting. The goal is to have it done by March 1st.
- Other items from the floor
Hiding request via IShare link in the Union View, particularly for electronic resources. The hope is that the same Javascript being tested would be able to be used in the union view.
- Meeting recap and actions for next meeting
Members are going to continue to test the Javascript code. The union view subcommittee is going to communicate via email and then meet in late January to see if its work needs to be continued.