Via Zoom
Members attending: Alice Creason (Lewis), Marlee Graser (SIUE), Amy Killebrew (Columbia College), Colin Koteles (COD), Tami Luedtke (DePaul), Christine McClure (DePaul), Lindsey Skaggs (ISU), Nathan Thebarge (Trinity), Aimee Walker (JOL)
Members absent: Dallas Long (ISU - CARLI Board Liaison)
CARLI Staff attending: Amy Maroso, Jessica Gibson
- Confirm minutes taker (Colin).
- Approve minutes from the October 13, 2021 meeting.
- Committee Reports
- Colin Koteles (COD) - E-Resources Management Task Force
Ongoing: “[The ERMgmtTF] are looking at Alma Analytics and usage for e-resources, primarily focusing on SUSHI harvesting and manipulating those in Analytics.”
New subgroup: “...working on workflows which includes what roles are needed for ERM, best practices for handling CZTL updates, what changes can you make to a record linked to the CZ and still get updates, and what percent accuracy is acceptable. The last item refers to sometimes the number of titles in a package in the CZ doesn’t exactly match the number you have from the vendor. Sometimes this is just an issue of how multi-volume titles are counted, but a few members of that subgroup are looking into it.”
Sara Rizzo will specifically ask the ERMgmtTF about Primo VE display issues at their 11/18 meeting.
- Nathan Thebarge (TIU) - Resource Sharing Committee
- Discovered some libraries don’t know how to renew I-Share books → The committee is working to promote documentation that describes how to do this.
- Lindsey Skaggs (ISU) - Instruction Committee
- No issues to report from the committee.
- Marlee Graser (SIE) - Tech Services Committee
- Reviewing cooperative cataloging efforts to create NZ and CZ records. This may affect record display in Primo VE.
- Committee is discussing local resource types in terms of what’s working and not working.
- Christine McClure (DPU) - Public Service Committee
- Committee is developing a survey to gauge interest in controlled digital lending.
- Amy Killebrew (COL) - Collection Management Committee
- Committee created a subgroup to evaluate Alma analytics; one goal is to create a list of the top 5 or 10 analytics reports.
- Unfinished Business
- Hide I-Share request link custom javascript code
- Priority will be given to testing the updated code before the December meeting. Results will can also be shared before the meeting via email.
- I-Share union view (Aimee, Amy, Lindsey, Nathan, Tami)
- Subgroup has published a Change log of adjustments made to the I-Share Union View
- Reiterated four primary use cases scenarios: Outsider search, search other library ebook holdings, search for Illinois specific resources, and collection development assistance.
- Discussed need to add contextual information to Union View pages including cards on the Union View homepage providing information that answer questions along the lines of “Why would you want to use the union catalog?”, or “Why should I sign in?”
- The task force edited the heading denoting other libraries that may have electronic access to items to read “I-Share Libraries with Online Access”.
- This led to further discussions of label text and how label context changes when signed in.
- Local resource types (Marlee, Tami)
- Looked at how other consortia handle local resource types; testing some of these methods in sandboxes; trying to determine if these should be configured at the local or consortial level. It is likely LRTs will need to be added at the NZ level, which will require a process to request new LRTs from CARLI keeping in mind there is a limit of 20 LRTs for the NZ.
- Task force discussed the priority of this issue and whether or not this work should be shifted to local fields. This issue will be discussed at the upcoming subgroup meeting resulting in a recommendation for moving forward.
- PrimoVE analytics (Amy K, Alice, Christine)
- Subgroup discovered some limitations in Primo VE analytics through a review of existing reports and discussed educational outreach opportunities including creating new documentation and holding webinars.
- Subgroup examined reports that are useful for collection development purposes including the popular searches report and the zero results report. The task force discussed possible flaws in the popular searches report--this might be an area for further examination-- but existing results are still useful.
- Showcase (Aimee, Lindsey) -- TABLED
- Potential areas of inquiry/work for the Task Force
- New Business
- Shifting task force subgroup focus from local resource types to local fields.
- Members interested in forming this new subgroup include: Marlee, Tami, Aimee, and Colin.
- Other items from the floor
- Meeting recap and actions for next meeting
- Continue priority testing of Hide JS version 2
- Continue work on Union View GUI and functionality
- Shift local resource type subgroup work to local fields work
- Alma Analytics subgroup will continue their work
Minutes taker for December meeting: Nathan Thebarge