Via Zoom
Members attending: Alice Creason (Lewis), Aimee Walker (JOL), Marlee Graser (SIUE), Nathan Thebarge (Trinity), Lindsey Skaggs (ISU), Amy Killebrew (Columbia CC), Tami Luedtke (DePaul), Dallas Long (ISU - CARLI Board Liaison)
Members absent: Christine McClure (DePaul), Colin Koteles (CoD)
Staff attending: Amy Maroso, Jessica Gibson
- Confirm minutes taker (Marlee).
- Approve minutes from the September 8, 2021 meeting.
- Committee Reports
- Colin Koteles (absent) - E-Resources Management Task Force
- Alice Creason gave a short report on the ER Management Task Force. They are looking at Alma Analytics and usage for e-resources, primary focusing on SUSHI harvesting and manipulating those in Analytics
- Nathan Thebarge (TIU) - Resource Sharing Committee
- No questions from this committee
- Lindsey Skaggs (ISU) - Instruction Committee
- No report this month
- Marlee Graser (SIE) - Tech Services Committee
- The committee is focusing on best practices documentation, particularly related to authority control and ethical cataloging and record selection and import
- Christine McClure (DPU) - Public Service Committee
- Discussion focused on how in-person operations are working
- Reduction project on named users and bib title count
- Controlled digital lending, increasing faculty adoption of OER
- Amy Killebrew (COL) - Collection Management Committee
- Created a subgroup tasked with reviewing Alma Analytics
- Unfinished Business
- Hide I-Share request link custom javascript code
- The CARLI Programmer has created a new version of this script. Jessica has this ready to distribute and will be sent out for testing soon.
- Hoping that it will also hide the I-Share Request link in the Get It and the How To Get It section. This code relies on a setting in Alma configuration
- I-Share union view
- Subgroup met on September 20. Informal notes from that meeting are available.
- The subgroup recommended a few changes that have been implemented. The subgroup will run some sample searches between their institution’s discovery view and the I-Share union view.
- Held by Library filter - in some institutions this doesn’t filter exclusively to materials held by a specific library; this is dependent on the “Include member institution physical inventory in facets” setting in the View
- Once you log in, the URL changes from 01CARLI_Network to an institution-specific view to display records from your institution (e.g. 01CARLI_ISU). However, after logging out the URL doesn’t change back to show the 01CARLI_Network view.
- Discussed use cases: mainly for individuals outside of the consortium and those who want to identify electronic versions of resources
- Lindsey Skaggs and Tami Luedtke will write up some of their notes and make those available in GDrive.
- The subgroup plans to meet again before the next committee meeting
- bX recommender
- Aimee Walker (JOL) - In some cases the majority of the articles that it is recommending are not resources that the institution has access to. Specific examples may help troubleshoot this issue.
- About 30 institutions have implemented bX Recommender, but CARLI hasn’t received a lot of feedback from these institutions
- Potential areas of inquiry/work for the Task Force
- Nothing new has been added to the list.
- Renewing I-Share materials through PrimoVE My Library Card is causing some confusion. Nathan Thebarge will take the issue to the Resource Sharing Committee for discussion.
- October Release implemented changes to FRBR and dedup functions, which will need to be tested.
- This work will be tabled until the committee has the capacity to work on this
- New Business
- Sub-Groups
- Local Resource Types (Tami, Marlee)
- Met on Oct. 4 to discuss parameters of the project. Discussed developing a workflow for requesting an NZ local resource type and identifying the most critical resource types to address. Also discussed documentation or education on label changes rather than developing a new local resource type, when appropriate. The subgroup will meet again on Oct. 20.
- PrimoVE Analytics (Alice, Christine, Amy K)
- Did not have an opportunity to meet, but will be setting up a meeting over the next month to set goals and objectives
- Showcase (Aimee, Lindsey)
- Did not have an opportunity to meet, but the Showcase is tentatively anticipated for the Spring, so this work is tabled until January.
- Reschedule November 10 meeting? (Same day as CARLI Annual Meeting.)
- This meeting will be moved to November 17th at 11am via Zoom. Amy Maroso will reschedule this (may have to send out a new meeting invite).
- Other items from the floor
- Meeting recap and actions for next meeting
- Test new JS code for Hide Request from I-Share link
- Lindsey Skaggs and Tami Luedtke will add their notes from testing the I-Share Union View to the GDrive folder. This subgroup will continue testing the I-Share Union View.
- Aimee Walker (JOL) will send some specific examples of resources that are appearing in bX Recommender that the institution does not have access to.
- Nathan Thebarge will discuss the I-Share renewal issue with the Resource Sharing Committee and report back.
- The Local Resource Types subgroup will meet again before the next meeting to discuss critical resource types and workflows for requesting NZ local resource types.
- PrimoVE Analytics subgroup will meet over the next month to set goals and objectives
- Nov. 10 meeting is rescheduled to Nov. 17th at 11am. Amy Maroso will make sure that the Zoom link is still valid or send out a new meeting invite.
Minutes taker for November meeting: Colin Koteles