Via Zoom
Members attending: Alice Creason (LEW), Marlee Graser (SIE), Amy Killebrew (COL),Colin Koteles (COD), Dallas Long (board liaison, ISU), Tami Luedtke (DPU), Christine McClure (DPU), Lindsey Skaggs (ISU), Aimee Walker (JOL)
Members absent: Belinda Cheek (NCC) has stepped down; Nathan Thebarge (TIU)
Staff attending: Jessica Gibson (CARLI), Amy Maroso (CARLI)
Committee Reports
- Colin Koteles (COD) - E-Resources Management Task Force
- Attended first meeting; introduced self and goals
- Belinda Cheek (NCC) - Resource Sharing Committee
- Faculty delivery to offices: committee would like information about how to set this up. This appears to be directly under the committee’s purview and not related to the task force.
- There is interest in case studies re: customization, such as label changes
- As a task force, are there expectations to share usability testing results? Perhaps the task force could host a forum at the end of the year, similar to the instruction showcase?
- Lindsey Skaggs (ISU) - Instruction Committee
- Committee meets next week; has only attended the inaugural meeting to introduce self
- Marlee Graser (SIE) - Tech Services Committee
- Attended first meeting; introduced self and goals
- There was interest in a repository/hub for best practices in Primo VE. There were also questions about how to customize the catalog to show original cataloging; how to coordinate efforts across to the consortium to advocate to ExL/ELUNA; how to work with the community zone
- Jessica mentioned that CARLI posts code on their website. Document repositories often come up, but in reality people don’t end up contributing. In the end, CARLI ends up having to maintain the resources and they don’t have the bandwidth for it. That said, Alma/Primo requires more customization by individual institutions.
- Christine McClure (DPU) - Public Service Committee
- Attended first meeting; introduced self and goals
- Amy Killebrew (COL) - Collection Management Committee
- Attended first meeting; introduced self and goals
- Committee briefly discussed Alma analytics and the desire for continuing education; it may make sense for us to look at both Alma and Primo analytics together
- Amy K. mentioned that the interfaces are similar, though the data is distinct.
- CARLI hasn’t offered Primo training, but ExL has upcoming training. This is something the task force could explore.
- Unfinished Business
- Hide I-Share request link custom javascript code
- Aimee W. noted some issues with her testing: the custom code removed the local request link as well. She focused her testing on items that were available at her institution. [Marlee didn’t notice this, but will test again to confirm. Alice has their local testing turned off, so cannot test this. Colin plans to do testing and will look into this as well.]
- I-Share union view
- Lindsey asked the Instruction Committee for feedback but didn’t receive any.
- Lindsey noted that the Journal Search had some odd behavior once the user signs in to their institution (example was “Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership” - user can view the record until signed in; ISU doesn’t own this title). This may be working as expected-- the journal search may not be appropriate for the union view.
- Jessica will arrange a small group meeting to talk more about the union view and do some testing together (Aimee, Amy, Lindsey, Nathan, Tami)
- bX recommender
- Many institutions haven’t enabled this, but it could be a “beginning-of-the-semester” timing issue
- Alice mentioned that some institutions want to do more testing before implementing it - this could be something to add to the “case studies” showcase
- Directors had some concern about the bX recommender and misleading recommendations (since the recs are taken from other users’ behaviors)
- This is something we can return to it at a later date to gauge institutions’ progress
- Potential areas of inquiry/work for the Task Force
- We should start prioritizing our options
- Showcase, local resource types, Primo analytics + packaging materials to run statistics for IPEDS, etc. are the top priorities emerging from this meeting
- Primo VE and EBSCO compatibility: is there anything we can do? Jessica mentioned that CARLI has an active case with ExL about this, but otherwise, no.
- Q3 2021: ExL should be releasing enhancements re: FRBR and deduplication. Jessica is waiting on the announcement, and then we can test/explore the new features.
- Color coding: green for priorities; yellow for items we’ve discussed
- Do we need subgroups for anything at this point? Those interested:
- Local resource types: Tami, Marlee
- Primo VE analytics: Alice, Christine, Amy K.
- Showcase: Aimee, Lindsey
- New Business
- New Liaison to Resource Sharing Committee
- Nathan Thebarge has agreed to take on this liaison role
- Other items from the floor
- No other items
- Meeting recap and actions for next meeting
- Communication liaisons to attend other committee meetings
- Small group to meet and explore Union View
- Next meeting: October 13th