11am via Zoom
Members Present: Alice Creason (LEW), Christine McClure (DPU), Nathan Thebarge (TIU), Colin Koteles (COD), Tami Luedtke (DPU), Lindsey Skaggs (ISU)
Members Absent: Aimee Walker (JOL), Amy Killebrew (COL), Marlee Graser (SIE)
CARLI Staff attending: Jessica Gibson, Amy Maroso
- Confirm minutes taker: Christine McClure
- Minutes from the May 11, 2022 meeting approved
- Unfinished Business
- Local Fields – Group did not meet last month.
- Jessica uploaded revised draft of bib local fields and draft of holdings fields to the subgroup folder on May 11 for review and feedback.
- Primo VE analytics – Group did not meet, but communicated through email. Amy K. has left her position and is no longer part of the committee.
- Agreed to wait to plan webinar for new committee.
- Primo Analytics 101 documentation was approved to put on CARLI website pending standardized screenshots.
- PrimoVE showcase – Group did not meet in the last month. Will schedule meeting soon.
- Showcase tentatively scheduled for July 19, 2022 at 2pm
- Amy notes that CARLI will need to create the event and send out an announcement in advance so will need confirmation information for that.
- DeDup and FRBR – Did not meet in the last month.
- Collections – Did not meet in the last month.
- New Business
- Proposed: adding a standing agenda item to review monthly release notes.
- Three highlighted fixes from June release:
- Error when accessing results beyond 2K
- Direct linking fixed for CDI records
- View It services not appearing for deduped records with electronic and physical holdings has been fixed.
- CARLI filed a Case on this and Jessica’s testing of previous examples of problems show that it has indeed been fixed.
- There may be more issues to talk about and to consider disseminating to member libraries during the quarterly Feature Releases (August, November, February, May)
- Upcoming Change with November 2022 release: switch to Angular 1.8. Libraries and CARLI must test to ensure custom JavaScript code still works as expected.
- HathiTrust add-on known issue: mistakenly recognizing some unprefixed fields as OCLC numbers and creating incorrect links to HT. Jessica will work with Tami and Christine to test fixed code from the addon developer.
- Other items from the floor
- Change from task force to committee
- New members: Allan Berry (UIC), Rachelle Stivers (HRT) and Matt Short (NIU) will be starting in July.
- Nathan and Christine will be rolling off. Amy K. has left COL.
- Will need new chair or co-chairs for next year
- ER Librarian from ISU question: duplication of results from local holdings and from CDI. Are there Best practices?
- DPU: turning off CDI books wouldn’t work because we have book records through the CDI without our own bib records in the IZ/NZ, so living with the duplicates.
- ISU would lose any chapter-level records access by turning off CDI results at the Collection level
- Ex Libris can not yet address that the CDI index and the local index cannot be deduplicated
- Meeting recap and actions for next meeting (June 8)
- Subgroups to continue their work
- The next meeting will be the first as a committee