11am via Zoom
Members Present: Alice Creason, Amy Killebrew, Tami Luedtke, Lindsey Skaggs, Nathan Thebarge, Aimee Walker
Members Absent: Marlee Graser (SIUE), Colin Koteles (COD), Christine McClure (DPU)
CARLI Staff attending: Jessica Gibson
- Confirm minutes taker: Christine McClure (absent, Lindsey stepped in to take notes)
- Minutes from the April 13, 2022 meeting approved
- Unfinished Business
- Local Fields (Aimee, Colin, Marlee, Tami)
- Group met and identified a group of local fields that could be distributed to the NZ. Jessica to follow up with the subcommittee regarding questions concerning individual institutions that want to make changes to local fields, etc.
- Jessica working on finalizing a document. The group is working on identifying the best way to share final documentation.
- PrimoVE analytics (Amy K, Alice, Christine)
- Group did not meet during the last month.
- Alice will send out an email to determine if they want to host a live webinar or create a recording to report out on the task force/subcommittee’s activities.
- Showcase (Aimee, Lindsey)
- Aimee, Lindsey, and Amy M. met and decided to move the showcase to July 19th. Amy M. has added it to the calendar.
- Allan Barry has agreed to present; Aimee, Christine, Lindsey, and Allan will meet to plan the event in more detail; it will start with the easier customizations and end with more advanced info; we hope to get feedback from participants regarding their wants/needs when it comes to Primo VE Customization.
- Dedup/FRBR (Alice, Christine, Colin, Tami)
- Group met on 4/28. Alice sent an email to the ExL listserv to ask about how other institutions handle dedup and FRBR; they only received a few responses that weren’t particularly helpful. Are currently working with some recommendations/processes from SUNY. They did some testing in sandboxes but weren’t really noticing changes. Jessica noted that she needs to spend more time investigating this.
- Group will arrange a follow-up meeting time.
- Collections (Aimee, Amy K., Lindsey, Marlee)
- Group met with Gettysburg and Millikin - detailed notes to follow
- Group will write up documentation/recommendations after testing, based on the information received from these colleagues
- Citations Options (Aimee, Alice)
- Aimee and Alice will be presenting on this tomorrow at the CARLI Office Hours
- Their combined PowerPoint is available in the Google Drive. The final version will also be posted on the CARLI website.
- New Business
- Do we still want to create short videos to report out on what we’ve done this past year? The original intention was to share what we’ve been doing
- Since we show up in CARLI documentation, there wasn’t a strong feeling that we needed to create something supplemental
- The analytics group will still do a wider share
- Other items from the floor
- Primo VE monthly updates are moving to quarterly updates with monthly bug fixes
- Perhaps the committee can send out a monthly email with information for keeping up with these updates? Or announcements in the e-news? Ideally, this would just focus on the critical updates/items folks are most likely to notice or find problematic
- A standing agenda item could be to review those updates
- Meeting recap and actions for next meeting (June 8)
- Subgroups to continue their work
- June 8th is the last task force meeting - then we’re on to being a REAL committee!
Minutes taker for June meeting: Christine McClure