via Zoom
Members attending: Alice Creason (LEW), Marlee Graser (SIUE), Amy Killebrew (COL), Tami Luedtke (DPU), Christine McClure (DPU), Lindsey Skaggs (ISU), Nathan Thebarge (TIU)
Members absent: Colin Koteles (COD), Aimee Walker (JOL)
CARLI Staff attending: Jessica Gibson, Amy Maroso
- Confirm minutes taker: Marlee Graser
- Approved minutes from the December 8, 2021 meeting.
- Committee Reports
- Colin Koteles (COD) - E-Resources Management Task Force - Not present, update deferred to next meeting.
- Nathan Thebarge (TIU) - Resource Sharing Committee - Update deferred to next meeting.
- Lindsey Skaggs (ISU) - Instruction Committee - Update deferred to next meeting.
- Marlee Graser (SIE) - Tech Services Committee - Using TSC meeting notes on local fields for testing
- Christine McClure (DPU) - Public Service Committee - No relevant action/agenda items.
- Amy Killebrew (COL) - Collection Management Committee - Update deferred to next meeting.
- Unfinished Business
- Hide I-Share request link custom javascript code
- Christine M. had some issues with the link still showing up in some cases. Test cases/examples available in GDrive.
- Any additional documentation that committee members would like to contribute can be added to the GDrive folder.
- Jessica G. is looking into whether this code can be added to and pushed out through the PrimoVE central package once all testing is complete
- I-Share union view (Aimee, Amy, Lindsey, Nathan, Tami)
- This group will set up another meeting to continue this work
- Local resource types (Marlee, Tami)
- Will write language on a recommendation that a committee or group should be responsible for facilitating requests by member institutions for consortium-wide local resource types.
- Also writing additional documentation and notes on testing to add to the information already available from the CARLI website
- Tentative deadline or this work is the end of January
- Local Fields (Aimee, Colin, Marlee, Tami)
- PrimoVE analytics (Amy K, Alice, Christine)
- This group will set up another meeting to continue this work in the next few weeks.
- Showcase (Aimee, Lindsey) -- TABLED
- Potential areas of inquiry/work for the Task Force
- New Business
- Jessica G. is working with a subset of the Resource Sharing Committee to see if the check availability function on the I-Share request form would be helpful. This function automatically checks for AFN availability and posts a note at the top of the request form when a user clicks on I-Share request form stating whether an item is available or not. This does not prevent users from submitting the request, but may give them information relevant to inform their request. If institutions are interested in testing this function, they can view it in the Sandbox and contact Jessica G. for more information on how to configure, test, and implement this change.
- Draft Report of Task Force work for CARLI Board
- Need to complete this report by the CARLI Board meeting on March 11.
- Report Sections:
- Committee liaison roles and committee reports, whether that relationship is working, recommendations or suggestions on how to make this committee liaison relationship work better.
- One suggestion: recommending that other committees assign a liaison to the Discovery PrimoVE Task Force
- Another suggestion: the DPTF has enough work to do autonomously and it generally hasn’t been valuable for many liaisons to sit in on other committees. Should the DPTF become a standing committee, liaison relationships might not be something we recommend continuing. There was consensus among the group that this might be the best option moving forward.
- Marlee G. will write a draft of this section of the report.
- Project summaries:
- bX Recommender - Alice will write first draft. Other working group members who tested this should review and add to this summary.
- Hide I-Share Request Link Custom JavaScript Code - Lindsey will write first draft. Other working group members who tested this should review and add to this summary.
- I-Share Union View - Aimee W. will write first draft. Other working group members who tested this should review and add to this summary.
- Local Resource Types - Tami will write first draft. Other working group members who tested this should review and add to this summary.
- Local Fields - Colin will write first draft. Other working group members who tested this should review and add to this summary.
- PrimoVE Analytics - Amy K. will write first draft. Other working group members who tested this should review and add to this summary.
- PrimoVE Showcase - Lindsey will write first draft. Other working group members who tested this should review and add to this summary.
- Final Summary and Recommendation
- There are a lot of potential areas of investigation to explore. These would best be explored by a standing committee dedicated to and with expertise in Discovery and PrimoVE.
- The tasks that we tackled were time consuming and required a substantial amount of collaborative testing in multiple environments.
- The list generated by the task force is not comprehensive, particularly given monthly releases and added functions pushed out by Ex Libris.
- This task force would work best as a standing, multiple year committee. Recommendations should be included how to roll the task force into a committee and how to cycle people on and off the committee.
- Other items from the floor
- Jessica G. is also working with a subset of the Resource Sharing Committee to see if the check availability function on the I-Share request form would be helpful. This function automatically checks for AFN availability and posts a note at the top of the request form when a user clicks on I-Share request form stating whether an item is available or not. This does not prevent users from submitting the request, but may give them information relevant to inform their request. If institutions are interested in testing this function, they can view it in the Sandbox and contact Jessica G. for more information on how to configure, test, and implement this change.
- If members of the task force would like to continue serving if/when it converts to a standing committee, reach out to Amy M. or Jessica G. with your willingness to serve before the next meeting on February 9. This will give the task force an idea of how to recommend converting the task force into a standing committee.
- Actions for next meeting (Feb 9)
- Project Groups
- “Hide I-Share Request” link custom javascript code - Finish up testing. Any additional documentation that committee members would like to contribute should be added to the GDrive folder.
- “Check Availability” function for the Request from I-Share form - If your institution is interested in testing this function, contact Jessica G. (CARLI) for how to view examples in sandbox environments and for more information on how to configure, test, and implement this change.
- I-Share union view (Aimee, Amy, Lindsey, Nathan, Tami) - set up another meeting before the next DPTF meeting on February 9.
- Local resource types (Marlee, Tami) - Write recommendation about facilitating requests by member institutions for NZ local resource types; complete additional documentation and notes on testing by end of January.
- Local Fields (Aimee, Colin, Marlee, Tami) - Meeting 1/19/2022 at 11am via Zoom
- PrimoVE analytics (Amy K, Alice, Christine) - set up another meeting before the next DPTF meeting on February 9.
- Draft DPTF Report to CARLI Board by next DPTF meeting on February 9
- Committee liaison roles and committee reports section - Marlee will write a draft of this section
- Project summaries:
- bX Recommender - Alice will write first draft. Other working group members who tested this should review and add to this summary.
- Hide I-Share Request Link Custom JavaScript Code - Lindsey will write first draft. Other working group members who tested this should review and add to this summary.
- I-Share Union View - Aimee W. will write first draft. Other working group members who tested this should review and add to this summary.
- Local Resource Types - Tami will write first draft. Other working group members who tested this should review and add to this summary.
- Local Fields - Colin will write first draft. Other working group members who tested this should review and add to this summary.
- PrimoVE Analytics - Amy K. will write first draft. Other working group members who worked on this should review and add to this summary.
- PrimoVE Showcase - Lindsey will write first draft. Other working group members who worked on this should review and add to this summary.
- Final Summary and Recommendation - Alice will write first draft. All DPTF members should review and add to this summary.
- Confirm minutes taker for February 9 meeting: Alice Creason
The next meeting is scheduled for February 9, 2022 at 11:00am via Zoom.