Conference Call
Members attending: Fred Barnhart, Loyola University Chicago; Chad Buckley, Illinois State University; Kim Fournier, William Rainey Harper College; Karen Janke, Erikson Institute; Nichole Novak, Illinois Institute of Technology; Todd Spires, Chair, Bradley University; Lynn Wiley, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Members absent: Dave Green, Northeastern Illinois University; Kate Harger, McHenry County College; Pam Hackbart-Dean, Southern Illinois University Carbondale; Harriet Lightman, Northwestern University
Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage, Cindy Clennon
- Karen Janke agreed to take minutes.
- After a discussion on future programming, the group will think about a program in the fall (possibly October) with a focus on Scholarly Communication/Open Access Publishers. However, all members will think over ideas, and those attending ACRL will look for potential presenters. The group will continue to think about a program on demand driven acquisitions in the future.
- Loyola University Chicago has a Head of Systems position that was just posted.
- CARLI has a library systems coordinator position posted.
- The CARLI print PDA project still going strong. Hasn’t increased substantially with the addition of science, technology, and medicine disciplines.
- The CARLI E-book PDA project, proposals due back April 1st.
- Applications are due for the Digital Preservation Training Program on March 15.
- The Alexander Street Press Digital Videos that are being offered by CARLI is moving forward and access should be available by the end of April. CARLI staff are following up with some members which have out of state campuses that would like to make the resources available out of state (which is not possible). After access is established, CARLI staff will work to put records into the I-Share catalog. CARLI staff will provide guidance for adding records to non-I-Share libraries’ catalogs.
- The Ebsco contract at the University of Illinois that allows other state institutions to piggyback on terms is up for renewal. As this is for library materials, they are operating on an extension without a new contract. UI Staff are working on a new RFP for materials with a start date of June 2014.
- Seventy-five people have registered for the jointly sponsored User Statistics Program with E-Resources Working Group, March 25th program in Champaign. The program is titled “What's the Use?: A Symposium on Usage Statistics,” and will be held at the Hilton Garden Inn. The Keynote speakers will be Jason Price and John MacDonald.
- The Acquisitions Team will be holding an Open House at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign on April 4th. Registration in now open.
Tasks assigned:
- Everyone should log into the group’s wiki and approve the minutes from the last meeting.
- Elizabeth will contact OCLC regarding a webinar on ArchiveGrid that includes a basic introduction, a product overview, and how institutions contribute/participate. The group thought that the timing of a program should be at the end of April after the Midwest Archives Conference.
- Elizabeth will approach the E-Resources Working Group if they would like to partner on a program/webinar in the fall.
- Digital book of the month:
- Kim - March
- Fred - April
- Todd - May
Future Meetings through June 2013:
Conference Call information: Toll-free: (866) 951-9521 or Local: (217) 244-9054. Meeting: ID/Password: 2045
- March 19, 2013 – 9:00 – 10:00 – conference call to review Book Digitization Initiative Proposals
- May 2, 2013 – 11:00 – 3:00 – in-person meeting at CARLI Office
- June 18, 2013 – 10:15 – 11:00 – conference call to review Book Digitization Initiative Proposals
- June 20, 2013 – 1:00 – 3:00 – conference call