Members Attending: Chad Buckley (Illinois State University), Sarah Johnson (Eastern Illinois University), Ann Johnston (Olivet Nazarene University), Marie Martino (Moraine Valley Community College), Thane Montaner (Prairie State College), Scott Thomson (Rush University), Ashtin Trimble (Black Hawk College)
CARLI Staff Attending: Jenny Taylor, Nicole Ream-Sotomayor, Elizabeth Clarage, Denise Green, Marisa Tolbert
Members Absent: Jessica Harris (University of Chicago), Michele Hunt (Northern Illinois University)
CARLI Updates
- The selection system for CY24 is open. So far most questions have been regarding JSTOR
- CARLI Annual meeting is Thursday, November 16. CARLI is seeking topics for table talks if the committee has ideas
There were no product proposals this month
Annual Project
- The committee discussed Jenny's draft of the E-Resources Brokering document
- The committee discussed consortial pricing discounts and how successful we are at getting the 25% discount stated in the document. Recent vendors have been more transparent with discounts and providing pricing models up front, while some legacy vendors have been resistant.
- Committee agreed that pricing needs to be provided with the proposal, with discount clearly stated
- The committee discussed the different process for products that fall outside the Procurement Act exception for library materials
- The final document will be posted on the CARLI e-resources page
- The committee discussed how CARLI gets feedback from members about products CARLI brokers
- Jenny asks for information in the winter about library budgets, and she usually hears from about 10 libraries.
- CARLI hears from members if they have difficulty with a product or vendor, especially if vendor support is difficult to work with
- Possible solutions included a link to submit anonymous complaints, office hours topic, or a table talk at the annual meeting
- Minutes from the September 12 meeting were approved.
- The meeting was adjourned at 1:32 p.m.
Tasks Assigned
- Register for the Annual meeting
Meeting Dates
- Next Meeting: Tuesday, November 14, 1 p.m. via Zoom
- Schedule of upcoming meetings:
- Tuesday, November 16, 10am - 3 pm (CARLI Annual Meeting)
- Tuesday, December 12, 1 p.m. via Zoom