Commercial Products Committee Meeting: January 10, 2020


Members Attending: Marie Martino (Moraine Valley Community College), Thane Montaner (Prairie State College), Will Midgley (University of Illinois at Chicago), Kavita Mundle (University of Illinois at Chicago), Heather Parisi (Dominican University), Megan Ruenz (Wheaton College), Amanda Wiesenhofer (Lincoln Land Community College)

Members Absent:  Jeffrey Matlak (Western Illinois University)

CARLI Staff Attending:  Jenny Taylor, Nicole Ream-Sotomayor


CARLI Updates

Starting to plan FY2021 cycle. Aiming for vendor pricing in March, with the system open to libraries in early April

Working on licenses for Swank and Statista

Have not heard back from Naxos after Charleston Conference conversations

The Infobase license will be amended because Infobase bought Credo

Working on a statement about EBSCO/Primo VE interoperability, encouraging EBSCO to share data more openly with Primo VE and ExLibris

Continuing to explore the option of getting a toll-free Zoom number



There were no product proposals under consideration this month.

e-resources licensing webpage review

This is a long document that hasn't been comprehensively updated since 2008. Committee suggestions included adding:

  • Language about federated identity management/authentication systems
  • A section on price caps

Annual project planning

Angie Vetsch (University of Minnesota - Morris) has agreed to a webinar on the topic of implementing Alma/Primo in a small library, and how staffing was impacted.

Kavita will follow up with Sunshine Carter on the possibility of a topic regarding staff training and/or Alma Analytics.

Amanda contacted Jenifer Holman (Hope College), who has been through 2 migrations to Alma. She is interested in contributing. The committee is interested in topics surrounding SFX/360 and Intota

Aiming to schedule for Spring

Tasks Assigned

Jenny will make suggested updates to the E-Resources Licensing website.

Amanda and Kavita will follow up with Jenifer and Sunshine, respectively, to clarify topics and timing, and will send information to Jenny for scheduling.

Meeting Dates

Next Meeting: Friday, February 14th, 10:00 a.m. on Zoom

Schedule of CARLI CPC Meetings: 2nd Friday of each month at 10:00 a.m. over Zoom