Members Attending: Lesley Wolfgang, Chair (Saint John's College of Nursing), Xiaotian Chen (Bradley University), Edith List (Principia College), Jeffrey Matlak (Western Illinois University), Will Midgley (DePaul University), Jim Millhorn (Northern Illinois University), Thane Montaner (Prairie State College), Amanda Wiesenhofer (Lincoln Land Community College)
Members Absent: Kavita Mundle (University of Illinois at Chicago)
CARLI Staff Attending: Cindy Clennon, Elizabeth Clarage, Jenny Taylor
Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception Online (DeGruyter): DeGruyer was contacted to see if the theological libraries in Illinois has the product. Currently waiting on a response.
The VPAT project will be hosted on the CARLI website and will be formatted by them. Lesley will write an introduction.
Call for presenters was sent out on 1/7/19 as planned. The proposals will be sent to Lesley. The meeting request for proposals was distributed beyond the CARLI email listserv (ALA listserv and IACRL listserv) by an individual. If anyone from out of the state wants to attend, they will be charged a nominal fee.
Discussion about possible committee contributions to the conference
A conference sponsor is being sought. There are different levels of sponsorship which determine the sponsor being at the event or not.
Discussion whether Alexander Street Press could present on streaming video usage statistics.
Discussion on who in the state could be approached to send in a proposal. For example, active customers of streaming
Discussion on the possibility of having a new/open question breakout CARLI might be able to have a presentation or discussion about ConsortiaManager.
Lesley will write an introduction for the VPAT project webpage.
Next meeting February 14, 2pm