Commercial Products Committee Meeting: May 21, 2018


Members Attending:  Edith List (Principia College), Hilary Meyer (Triton College), Jim Millhorn (Northern Illinois University), Kavita Mundle (University of Illinois at Chicago), Heather Parisi  (Dominican University), Amanda Wiesenhofer (Lincoln Land Community College), Lesley Wolfgang (Saint John's College of Nursing, Chair)

Members Absent:  Xiaotian Chen (Bradley University), Jeffrey Matlak (Western Illinois University)

CARLI Staff Attending:  Cindy Clennon, Jenny Taylor


The CARLI selection system for fiscal 2019 is closed.  Cindy remarked that the total buy was slightly up from last year. 


Meeting Minutes

There was discussion to continue to post minutes via Google Documents.  After weighing the pros and cons it was decided to revert back to conventional minutes.  It will be up to next year’s committee to determine a preferred option for minutes.

Next Year's Committee

Hilary and Heather are rolling off the committee and Jeff was reappointed for a three year term.  An offer has been extended to a community college librarian and we need to recruit a librarian from a private institution.  The next chair will be determined at the June meeting.


Access Newspaper Archive:  Not recommended to move forward; geared towards public libraries

American Mathematical Society Journals:  Move forward; staff checking to see if there is interest

Annual Project

Data has been collected by committee members and posted to Google Documents 

Tasks Assigned

Annual project needs to be broken up into individual vendor pages; Lesley will provide a template.

Meeting Dates and Deadlines

Conference call on Monday, June 18 at 1:30pm