Members attending: Xiaotian Chen (Bradley University), Jeffrey Matlak (Western Illinois University), Hilary Meyer (Triton College), Jim Millhorn (Northern Illinois University), Kavita Mundle (University of Illinois at Chicago), Heather Parisi (Dominican University), Amanda Wiesenhofer (Lincoln Land Community College), Lesley Wolfgang (Saint John's College of Nursing, Chair).
Members absent: Edith List (Principia College)
Staff attending: Cindy Clennon, Mary Burkee, Elizabeth Clarage
The monthly conference call will be at 2:30pm on the second Wednesday of every month, except September, when an in-person meeting is scheduled on Friday, Sept 22.
The committee decided to create a shared Google Docs file for members to suggest ideas about products that may be of interest to CARLI members. Xiaotian will create the file and share with members.
The committee members reviewed the charge of the CARLI Commercial Products Committee.
The committee reviewed the CPC activities which took place during 2016-2017 including the annual report and the annual project.
Ideas for the annual project and continuing education are sought and will be discussed at the next meeting.
Discussion of products that may be of interest to CARLI members took place and included video streaming services such as Kanopy and medical journals. CARLI’s Senior Director is conducting a variety of listening sessions with member library directors and may have a list of products and services the directors are interested in pursuing after the listening sessions have been completed. The committee decided to create a shared Google Docs file for members to suggest ideas. Xiaotian will create the file and share with members.
The CARLI Annual Meeting will be held on Nov. 17, 2017 in Champaign. We need to decide whether to do a brief presentation of last year's annual project. We will discuss further at our next meeting.
IBISWorld - Some members are interested in additional information. Cindy will ask the IBISWorld rep to clarify the questions asked by the committee members.
Auto Finance Resource - Members did not believe this product would be of interest to the CARLI libraries.
Conference call on Wednesday, August 9 at 2:30pm