Commercial Products Committee Meeting: January 17, 2017

conference call

Members attending: Chad Buckley (Illinois State University, Chair), Xiaotian Chen (Bradley University), Denise Cote (College of DuPage), Lynnette Fields (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Ann Johnston (Olivet Nazarene University), Jim Millhorn (Northern Illinois University), Heather Parisi  (Dominican University), Lesley Wolfgang (Lewis University)

Members absent:  Hilary Meyer (Triton College)

Staff attending: Cindy Clennon, Mary Burkee, Elizabeth Clarage



The new vendor proposal submission form was discussed.  The revised form is more specific with regard to discounts, participation thresholds, and sole source status. This will be added to the website soon.

Ann requested committee input regarding the loss of an ebook from a package that was planned for use in a class.  In this particular instance the publisher removed the title and  did not compensate by allowing for perpetual purchase. 

Elizabeth mentioned the CARLI Collection Management Committee continues to discuss our shared ebook collection and would like to expand and update the current collection by encouraging all CARLI Governing members to purchase at least 2 ebooks that will then be available for all members.  Our contract to purchase ebooks remains open and CARLI members are still able to purchase ebooks through this program at their own expense that will then be permanently available to all CARLI members.  An announcement will be sent soon.

Pending Proposals

Geopolitical Monitor - Cindy reminded the committee about the trial and asked for additional feedback.

annual project

The annual project discussion continued.  Most of the committee members have completed scenarios for their individual institutions.  Chad initiated a summary gleaned from the scenarios and he will complete this for the next meeting.  In the meantime everyone will add additional comments to their own information.  Eventually, the narratives will be anonymized and appended to the document.   Chad proposed that we review the document at the February meeting, and plan to complete the project by March.  It was suggested that we attach a bibliography to the document as well.

Meeting Dates and Deadlines

Conference call on Tuesday, February 7 at 2:00pm