Members attending: Chad Buckley (Illinois State University, Chair), Xiaotian Chen (Bradley University), Denise Cote (College of DuPage), Lynnette Fields (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Ann Johnston (Olivet Nazarene University), Hilary Meyer (Triton College), Jim Millhorn (Northern Illinois University), Heather Parisi (Dominican University), Lesley Wolfgang (Lewis University)
Staff attending: Cindy Clennon, Mary Burkee, Elizabeth Clarage
Cindy mentioned that we are in the process of updating the Vendor Proposal Form to include additional information that will help us decide whether a potential product would meet state procurement requirements. Only sole source products can be added at this point and some recent proposals would have required an RFP.
Invoice estimates for the CY17 selection cycle will be sent soon. We are still waiting for a few vendor agreements to be finalized.
Anne Craig would appreciate your input about the current CARLI committee structure and functioning. If you have any comments, please feel free to let her know.
Annual project discussion continued from last meeting including next steps. Denise and Hilary will add information to the Google Doc for their institutions, Xiaotian will create a folder in the Google Docs containing multiple documents and will resend gmail requests, Denise will pull out common themes after the narratives are done, and the document needs to be edited to create a common style. Background informaton and a summary statement will also need to be added. The group also discussed potentially sharing individual library case studies, possibly anonymized. In the Spring, we may wish to distribute the information to the rest of CARLI for input and possibly present the information at a conference. We will need confirmation on project due date.
Geopolitical Monitor –Cindy will ask Geopolitical Monitor for a trial - Cindy will send information about Social Work Video Collection
Rittenhouse Book Distributors - A proposal for the R2 Digital Library was received but we are unable to consider this as it is not a sole source product according to state procurement rules.
We may move the January meeting to January 17 to allow for enough time to review after Winter Break. Chad will send an email to confirm.
Conference call on Tuesday, January 17 at 2:00pm (Tentative reschedule date)