Members attending: Chad Buckley (Illinois State University, Chair), Xiaotian Chen (Bradley University), Lynnette Fields (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Ann Johnston (Olivet Nazarene University), Hilary Meyer (Triton College), Heather Parisi (Dominican University), Lesley Wolfgang (Lewis University)
Members absent: Denise Cote (College of DuPage), Jim Millhorn (Northern Illinois University)
Staff attending: Cindy Clennon, Mary Burkee, Elizabeth Clarage
Most meetings will be by conference call with the possibility of one or two in-person meetings as the need arises. Conference calls will tentatively be on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 1:30pm. Chad will send out a confirmation email.
The committee members reviewed the charge of the CARLI Commercial Products Committee.
The committee reviewed the CPC activities which took place during 2015-2016 including the annual report and the annual project.
Annual Project ideas - committee members discussed possible annual project ideas such as open access, assessment of CARLI e-resources, and a system for networking with colleagues performing the same tasks. Hilary provided some additional ideas including integrating e-resources into your institution’s LMS (Blackboard for example), expanding the role of CPC to include reviewing potential groups buys on SaaS (software as a service), multimedia resources (such as web-hosting platforms, chat services, ERMs, discovery layers, proxy servers, development, management, and assessment of online collection tools including, mobile apps, music streaming, and digital audiobooks). Members should continue to think about possible annual project ideas to be discussed at our next meeting.
Continuing Education ideas – The committee members discussed continuing education ideas including additional usage statistics webinars perhaps with vendors Gale, JSTOR, Oxford, Chronicle of Higher Education, American Chemical Society and E-Books usage stats with EBSCO and ProQuest. A survey might be necessary to poll CARLI members to determine future continuing education webinar topics. The committee members also discussed the possibility of a spring forum if the budget allows.
There were no new or pending proposals to review but the process was discussed as well as the importance of the committee members involvement in these discussions and decisions.
Next meeting: Tentatively Tuesday, September 6 at 1:30pm via conference call.