CPC Meeting: February 16, 2016

carli office, champaign

Members attending: Susie Bossenga (Northeastern Illinois University, chair), Chad Buckley (Illinois State University), Luann DeGreve (Benedictine University),Lynnette Fields (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Ann Johnston (Olivet Nazarene University), Hilary Meyer (Triton College), Heather Parisi  (Dominican University), Charles Uth (Illinois Institute of Technology)

Members absent: Denise Cote (College of DuPage)

Staff attending: Cindy Clennon, Mary Burkee


Selection system redesign  - we are ready to begin the library beta test with the committee and 3 other individuals. The beta test is based on FY16 selections.  Based on staff and vendor testing, Cindy is cautiously optimistic that we will be able to roll out the new system for FY17 selections.  The current plan is to have the vendors begin loading pricing information in March.  Not all functionality will be operational on the “go live” date, including the ability to set up “read only” access for some library personnel, but additional functionality is planned for later.  The committee participated in beta testing the new selection system and suggested improvements.

annual project

The draft usage statistics for e-resources page was reviewed and suggestions for layout were discussed.  Mary will incorporate these changes into the draft page and send to Margaret for approval.  Proposed additions to the page should be sent to the group. Discussion included the format of citations and it was tentatively decided to use APA. Cindy will check with Margaret to make sure this is acceptable for the CARLI site.

continuing education

Cindy has contacted ProQuest to schedule the next webinar.  Gale will be contacted soon.  Questions for ProQuest and Gale webinars would be useful to guide the sessions.

Discussion took place regarding requesting tutorials from vendors. It was decided that text-based tutorials would most helpful.  Cindy will request text-based tutorials from vendors.

Further discussion involved ROI, how best to utilize the usage information and ways to engage CARLI library personnel in these activities.

Proposal discussion

The committee discussed whether we should temporarily stop reviewing new vendor proposals due to the economic climate. The group recommended that Cindy and Mary review any incoming proposals and decide whether to bring them forward to the group for further discussion.

Meeting Dates and Deadlines

Conference call on Tuesday, March 1 at 1:30pm