Members attending: Susie Bossenga (Northeastern Illinois University, chair), Chad Buckley (Illinois State University), Denise Cote (College of DuPage), Luann DeGreve (Benedictine University) Lynnette Fields (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Ann Johnston (Olivet Nazarene University), Hilary Meyer (Triton College), Heather Parisi (Dominican University), Charles Uth (Illinois Institute of Technology), by phone
Staff attending: Cindy Clennon, Mary Burkee, Elizabeth Clarage, by phone
Guests: Susan Singleton
Committee Meetings will take place via conference call on the first Tuesday of each month from 1:30-3:00.
The group discussed the annual project and decided to pursue the development of the usage statistics resource page.
The location of the committee membership list and charge were reviewed. Priorities established are review of incoming proposals, educational programs, and input to the CARLI Board of Directors.
Annual Project - due May 31, 2016
Continuing Education – continue usage statistics webinars (reviewed Program Planning Guidelines)
Usage Statistics Resource page
Susan welcomed the new committee members and thanked all for participating on the Commercial Products Committee. Susan also provided CARLI office updates including information about the contracts with regard to the expiration of the state library materials exemption, the uncertain state budget status, the recent Voyager upgrade, the I-Share Next Task Force, and the ebook pilot project. Susan would like the committee to discuss the impact of ebook purchasing by individual libraries on resource sharing.
Selection system redesign update - Cindy reviewed the history of the project for new members. The current plan is to use the new system in production for the Spring 2016 (FY17) selection cycle, but to run this as a shadow system for the Fall (CY16) selection cycle to continue testing.
License agreement update - Cindy provided additional information about the state library materials exemption that expired and the impact on the contracts. CARLI was in the process of working with vendors and purchasing to consolidate agreements but this work ceased with the expiration of the library materials exemption.
ACS and Wiley journal packages are up for renewal.
Digital Loeb Classical Library: Discuss at the end of the trial period (9/17/15)
PowerPack EduPack Unlimited - the committee did not believe there would be enough interest by CARLI member libraries to pursue a consortial agreement.
The Amazing People Library - the committee did not believe this product would be relevant for CARLI libraries.
BBC MONITORING - the committee did not believe there would be enough interest by CARLI member libraries to pursue a consortial agreement.
With the number and type of proposals received by vendors the group discussed a variety of ideas including what is the most effective way to manage ‘direct offers’ from vendors to the libraries, what approach should we be taking with ebook offers considering the impact on individual purchases on resource sharing, and how do we make sure that the content we are offering is of the greatest value for CARLI libraries. The possibility of conducting an interest survey to see what types of resources are desired by the membership was also discussed.
Next meeting: Tuesday, September 1 at 1:30pm via conference call.