Members attending: Susie Bossenga (Midwestern University), Chad Buckley (Illinois State University), Ann Johnston (Olivet Nazarene University), Ruth Lindemann (Danville Area Community College), Stephen McMinn (University of Illinois at Springfield)
Staff attending: Cindy Clennon, Mary Burkee, Elizabeth Clarage
Please send final edits of the annual project to Ruth by May 11.
Film Ideas: the committee did not believe there would not be enough interest by CARLI member libraries to pursue a consortial agreement.
Salem Press: the committee suggests a direct offer to CARLI libraries that includes the consortial discount.
Film Industry Data: Cindy will check with libraries that may be interested.
The FY16 selection period is open. We are still waiting on pricing for ProQuest APA titles and some Oxford databases. EBSCO will send simultaneous user pricing for a few titles as well.
New Selection System: The new selection system should be delivered to CARLI by June 30th and should be live for the fall selection cycle. CARLI is planning to have the committee help with testing the librarian interface.
Discussion and edits continued. Please send final edits to Ruth by May 11 so she can finish editing the document by the May 31 deadline.
Planning continued for the Usage Statistics Webinar series. Cindy will try to schedule with Alexander Street Press and EBSCO. Prior to webinars, a survey will be sent asking people what specific questions they have for the vendor. A survey will also be available on the webpage. Ann will work on an announcement to send out announcing the webinar series. Members of the committee should send questions for Alexander Street Press and EBSCO.
Discussion continued for a Usage Statistics Resource on the CARLI website to include links to the COUNTER page, links to presentations from previous usage statistics forum, and links to resources from the upcoming vendor webinars. Cindy will contact a CARLI librarian to gather useful resources related to CORAL. CPC members should send suggestions of other resources that might be useful.
Conference call on Thursday, May 14, 2015 at 1:30pm