Members attending: Susie Bossenga (Northeastern Illinois University), Chad Buckley (Illinois State University), Denise Cote (College of DuPage), Luann DeGreve (Benedictine University), Ann Johnston (Olivet Nazarene University), Ruth Lindemann (Danville Area Community College), Charles Uth (Illinois Institute of Technology)
Members absent: Carol Doyle (Northwestern University), Stephen McMinn (University of Illinois at Springfield)
Staff attending: Cindy Clennon, Mary Burkee
Ideas Roadshow: Many in the group had trouble opening the files containing the proposal. Cindy will resend and we will continue the discussion at the next meeting.
Mary is working on preparing products for the fall selection system, which is scheduled to open in mid October. New license agreements may not be in place before the system opens so CARLI will send an announcement as new products become available.
A conference call is scheduled with Pixo to discuss the next phase of the new selection system’s development. The system is scheduled to run parallel with the existing selection system next Fall.
Cindy reported CARLI continues to work on consolidating the RFP licenses into 10 year licenses with price caps negotiable after 5 years.
CARLI is working on new vendor agreements for products with a January 1 start date, including Nature & Scientific American Archives, Docuseek2, Learning Express, and AAAS.
CARLI is working on a new license with APA for FY16.
The group agreed that this year’s Annual Project would be to update the licensing principles. The CARLI Board has requested that this be done this year and we felt it would be difficult to update the licensing principles and complete a separate annual project. The group is asked to review the licensing principles to look for areas that need to be updated. For example, making sure documents linked to are current, considering language needed for newer forms of e-resources, such as e-books, audio, and video, and thinking about future areas of concerns (Cindy gave the example of license that talked about students participating in MOOCs not being considered authorized users). *From August meeting: Cindy had mentioned considering most proposals are for niche products - should CARLI license products likely to appeal to certain sub-groups of CARLI libraries (e.g. community colleges) and what principles would guide selecting those products?
E-books forum w/Collections Committee: Group discussed collaboration with Collections Committee on an E-books forum they are planning for April 2015. Several members were interested in collaboration and ideas for topics included E-Book Apps, Usage Statistics, specifically comparing e-book usage to print usage, and tracking e-book counts for annual reports, surveys, etc.
E-Resources Forum: The group discussed holding a forum in the spring and then asking presenters (and possibly others) to record podcasts with the highlights of the session. We will come up with a series of questions related to usage statistics to send out on the e-resources listserv to identify areas of interest and potential speakers.
Review Ideas Roadshow proposal
Review CARLI Licensing Principles ( and identify areas in need of updating.
Develop potential discussion questions to post to the listserv to get ideas for the Usage Statistics Forum – for example, What tools to you use to collect and analyze usage statistics? How do you use usage statistics in your library? What difficulties/questions do you have about usage statistics?
Next meeting: Conference call on Friday, October 17, 2014