Members attending: Susie Bossenga (Northeastern Illinois University), Chris Bulock (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, chair), Luann DeGreve (Benedictine University), Carol Doyle (Northwestern University), Tom Goetz (William Rainey Harper College), Ruth Lindemann (Danville Area Community College), Stephen McMinn (University of Illinois at Springfield), Charles Uth (Illinois Institute of Technology)
Staff attending: Cindy Clennon, Mary Burkee
Pricing spreadsheets have been received from vendors and review is in progress. Planning to open the system to libraries in mid April.
The project is currently in Phase 2 and good progress is being made.
Continue sending edits. Ruth will have a first draft by the April meeting.
Group will lead a panel discussion. Please submit additional topic ideas by Wednesday, March 12.
Next meeting: Conference call on Monday, April 14, 2014