Members attending: Susie Bossenga (Northeastern Illinois University), Chris Bulock (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, chair, by phone), Luann DeGreve (Benedictine University), Carol Doyle (Northwestern University), Tom Goetz (William Rainey Harper College), Ruth Lindemann (Danville Area Community College), Charles Uth (Illinois Institute of Technology), Stephen McMinn (University of Illinois at Springfield)
Staff attending: Mary Burkee, Cindy Clennon, Elizabeth Clarage (by phone)
The selection system closes today. There are still two currently participating libraries who have not added anything. There are a couple of new libraries participating in the system. Mary Burkee is contacting libraries who did not re-select a database to insure that the non-selection was intentional and not an oversight.
76 people have registered for the forum. Everything is ready to go. There may be a need for help on minor logistical issues.
This will be an in-person program held at the end of May or beginning of June. The tentative agenda includes a morning session which will be relevant to all members. Lunch will set up as table talks. The afternoon will include concurrent tracks focusing on acquisitions/public services and cataloging/systems. There is a possibility that the afternoon sessions will be run twice to allow for greater flexibility and participation. Ideas for the afternoon sessions include: best practices, profiles, records maintenance, NISO best practices, reserves, the CARLI consortial program, ebrary/EBL integration, what can be learned about patrons, and libraries that have implemented PDA.
The preconference is scheduled for March 20, 2014 in Oak Brook. The groups participating include the Collection Management Committee, the Commercial Products Committee, the Created Content Committee, the Instruction Committee, the Public Services Committee, and the Technical Services Committee. The keynote speaker, Karen Schmidt (Illinois Wesleyan University), will talk about assessment in all forms at the library. In December, the group will need to know who the speakers are as well as a session title. This information will be published/promoted along with the general IACRL conference promotions.
The technical specifications are with the Purchasing Office. The RFP is asking vendors to chart out how their product will interface with discovery systems and what level of data based on the new NISO standard is being provided. Cindy will send the final RFP to the Committee once is it approved.
The committee selected streaming video as the topic of the white paper. The initial discussion focused on what topical areas to include in the paper focused on discoverability, records maintenance, purchasing models, perpetual access versus weeding, open access, evaluation of use and content, and copyright implications. The committee felt that negotiating contracts was not a significant issue as most of the challenges are working within the institutional processes. Discussion regarding takeaways for members followed next which developed into survey formation of survey questions. The intended audience for the survey is the liaisons with the recommendations that they consult with others at their institution. There should only be one response per institution. The survey should go out in December with the responses due before Christmas. If the response rate is not good, then the survey can be resent in January. The final portion of the discussion focused on members selecting which section of the paper they would research and write.