CARLI Office, Champaign
Members attending: Susie Bossenga (Northeastern Illinois University), Chris Bulock (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, chair), Luann DeGreve (Benedictine University, by phone), Carol Doyle (Northwestern University), Tom Goetz (William Rainey Harper College), Ruth Lindemann (Danville Area Community College), Stephen McMinn (University of Illinois at Springfield), Charles Uth (Illinois Institute of Technology)
Members absent: CM! Winters Palacio (City Colleges of Chicago)
Staff attending: Mary Burkee, Cindy Clennon
Guests: Susan Singleton
- Minutes of the June 10 meeting were approved.
- The CPC decided to further consider the Digitalia Hispanica proposal and run a trial in October if possible.
- The CPC determined that further information is necessary regarding the AIP Journals proposal, particularly in regards to pricing.
- The meeting was adjourned at 2:15 pm.
- Minutes are now expected to be posted within a week of the meeting. Minutes should also have a “discussions” section to be more relevant to others outside the committee.
- Planning for a forum now needs to be done 4 months in advance. Planning for a one day conference or event with outside speakers should be done 6 months in advance
- All CARLI committees are now required to submit a white paper that should be of interest to the whole CARLI membership.
- Due to concerns expressed by CARLI (supported by CPC) and the Five Colleges consortium, EBSCOhost will be revising their procedures for notifying database subscribers of changes to content.
- Negotiations with SAGE regarding their journal package have begun. Current subscribers have been surveyed, and are leaning toward a fixed title list.
- The Nature agreement is coming to the end of its term. A new agreement may be expanded to include more titles.
- There is a potential pricing difficulty that may prevent a successful new agreement for the journal Science.
- The new selection system is currently being developed by the same firm that built the new CARLI website.
Tasks Assigned
- Chris Bulock, Stephen McMinn, Susie Bossenga, Ruth Lindemann, and Tom Goetz will form a small group to finalize and carry out plans for the Usage Statistics Forum to be held at University of Illinois Springfield in November.
- Committee members discussed major happenings at their libraries.
- We returned to the idea of what constitutes a “significant” change to an aggregator database’s content. Some possible metrics involved an aggregate shift in impact factor, a change in the number of journals with any impact factor, and measures of journal usage.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines:
- Schedule of CPC Meetings:
- Conference calls will take place the second Monday of each month at 1:30 pm.
- In-person meetings will be held if the agenda makes it necessary, with one month notice.
- Committee members should come to the next meeting with ideas for a white paper. Ideas already discussed include:
- CARLI licensing principles revision
- Impact of eBooks (and other eResource licensing) on resource sharing models
- Usage statistics portal
- Streaming video
- Next Meeting: Monday, September 9, 1:30 pm, conference call