Zoom / Conference Call
Members attending: Janice Derr, co-chair (Eastern Illinois University), Gwen Gregory (Northern Illinois University), Carl Lehnen (University of Illinois Chicago), Briana Love (Aurora University), Jackie Mann (Loyola University Chicago), Kris Veldheer (Catholic Theological Union), Erin Zimmerman, co-chair (Heartland Community College)
Members absent: Jeannette Glover (Spoon River College), Jayna Leipart Guttilla (Illinois Valley Community College)
CARLI Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage, Nicole Ream-Sotomayor, Jenny Taylor
- The January 22, 2024 meeting minutes were approved with some minor formatting changes. Monthly minutes assignments adjusted.
- We will send out a call for panel participants (discussion and timeline below).
Tasks Assigned
- Minutes taken by Jackie Mann.
- Carl will write up a call for panel participants and will share it in Box for collaboration with committee members by mid-week, due by March 13th.
- Carl will create Google form for speaker submissions.
- Kris is willing to speak on panel(s) in some capacity.
- Jackie (and others) can begin expanding on Weeding Guide Webpage document in Box.
- Member Announcements: None
- CARLI Announcements:
- WEST update- CDL has signed the contract and now is back with CARLI. CARLI will have another WEST workshop in March.
- Open Education Resources Committee is holding many events during Open Education week in March about new Illinois SCOERs and student survey/panel.
- CARLI staff is working on FY25 products, and getting e-resources prices, including Bloomsbury and InfoBase.
- Looked at Box documents for Weeding Panel Webinar and Webpage – Flowchart Brainstorming.
- Shifting vs. weeding as the topics of our project ideas, under the larger umbrella of needing to do “emergency weeding” or other major weeding/moving projects.
- Identifying potential speakers for talk – Kris, Lincoln Christian University?, UIC (warehouse? Withdrawal process), Pritzker Military Museum closure/moving materials.
- Could put out a call for members to speak to the issues rather than tapping individuals one-by-one.
- The committee will put out a call for participants in CARLI newsletter and mailing lists (Tech Services list, Collections and Content Group, Directors list)
- Can always look outside of CARLI/tap specific individuals if response is low.
- Consider Cataloging departments and how these large weeding projects impact them, the digital workflow beyond just the physical stuff.
- Emergency weeding projects for small libraries that don’t have the people power to sustain a large weeding project.
- The difficult for large libraries due to the sheer volume of materials.
- UIUC moved all materials and office spaces out of the Undergraduate Library.
- Consider splitting panel/webinar into 2 sessions: Physical Weeding process/workflow and Shifting/Moving collections.
- Part I and Part II Large Weeding Project series
- Alternatives to Greenglass – reports from Alma and CARLI/I-Share
- Taking time to touch and double-check every book can reveal unknown/valuable materials.
- Working with Internet Archives – take serials, videos/DVDs, film, and other physical materials.
- Mostly Q&A? Panelists can begin with 3-5 minute presentations to introduce themselves and their relevant project(s). The rest is audience and moderated questions.
- Produce 1-2 slides per person to share out along with the recording (size of collection, time frame, caveats).
- Additional material with tips, resources, experience details, etc. to share with attendees so that attendees and others (on webpage) could refer to the information and know what projects might relate to theirs.
- If we get a lot of proposals, we may not need to include vendors, speakers can talk about the vendors they use.
- Both sessions don’t need to be the same length/number of presenters.
- Ask potential participants to include name, title, affiliation, and a few sentences about what they’d like to share.
- The Committee decided to use a Google form submission.
- Share with I-Share liaison list, hopefully for those with experience on Alma and other reporting.
- CARLI staff who have helped to interpret reports and make them most useful, including holdings in I-Share. Also valuable to those not in I-Share.
- Make and share weeding flow chart with participants and beyond- start working on this element in earnest?
- More of a guide/list? For resources and advice. Presenters’ information can also be shared there.
- Provide a place for people to get started on their weeding projects.
- List of things to think about: What to consider before you get started? Who will decide on what to get rid of? What are the withdrawal criteria?
- What organizations you are affiliated with that may “want” to receive materials- WEST, CRL, CARLI last copy
- Other organizations you are a member with (outside CARLI) who might be able to help with these projects. ILA, etc.
- Jen and Elizabeth can ultimately create the webpage when we are ready.
- How to run jobs in Alma for time-saving, other cataloging tips and needs.
- PR- how to talk to patrons about weeding and moving. Hiding activity vs. openly announcing and explaining. “Communication strategy.” Level of faculty involvement.
- Announcement/Call for Participants Timeline:
- Draft by Friday, February 23 to get into CARLI Newsletter. Newsletter out on February 28.
- Submit to other lists before and after Newsletter (ASAP).
- Deadline for applicants to apply: March 13
- Specify that we are looking for large, out-of-the-ordinary weeding projects from libraries of all sizes. In the call, say something like “we are all used to routine, ongoing weeding, but what happens when we are unexpectedly faced with large and/or sudden weeding or moving projects?”
Next Meeting Dates and Deadlines
The Collection Management Committee will meet next on March 18, 2024 at 10 a.m.
Committee Meetings:
March 18, 2024, Minutes: Kris Veldheer
April 15, 2024, Minutes: Erin Zimmerman
May 20, 2024, Minutes: TBD
June 17, 2024, Minutes: TBD
March 18 Meeting: Weeding Event Call for Participants sent and participants decided/to be discussed. Determine final dates for panel(s) and continue to plan panels.