Zoom / Conference Call
Members present: David Bell, co-chair, (Eastern Illinois University), Dan Blewett, co-chair, (College of DuPage), Chad Buckley (Illinois State University), Keith Eiten (Wheaton College), Kelli Getz (DePaul University), Lorene Kennard (University of St. Francis), Niamh McGuigan (Loyola University Chicago), Scott Thomson (Rush University)
Member absent: Paolo Gujilde (Northwestern University)
Board Liaison present: Taran Ley (Southern Illinois University School of Medicine)
CARLI Staff present: Elizabeth Clarage, Jennifer Masciadrelli, Nicole Ream-Sotomayor, Jennifer Taylor
Tasks Assigned
- Chad Buckley will take minutes.
- McGuigan will draft language to forward to CARLI about proposed new Discovery committee/task force. Eiten will assist. Committee members will provide input as needed. Work to be completed December 1st to be included with the Committee’s response to the CARLI Board.
- Masciadrelli will follow up with Tech Services about working with our Alma Analytics subgroup about a terminology glossary.
- Bell, McGuigan, and Buckley will look into getting information about DDA at their institutions for use in a future webinar about DDA.
- Looking Back to Move Forward: Reflecting on a Challenging Year in Collection Management, December 11 Zoom Chat.
- Masciadrelli and Clarage will work up a slide of ground rules.
- Bell will draft list of topics to generate discussion.
- Discussion points will be sent to registrants along with connection information.
- Niamh and David will share their experience.
- CARLI staff will review registrants to a third perspective from a smaller institution.
- October meeting minutes preliminary approved. Committee members should send any edits to David by Monday, November 23.
- Recommend that CARLI form a new Discovery group (committee or task force).
- Discuss DDA webinar(s) at our next meeting.
- CARLI Updates:
- Tech Services topical Q&A sessions for Alma coming in December.
- December 2 9:30-11 Serials Receiving and open Q&A
- December 7 1:30-3 Withdrawing & Deleting from Alma and Open Q&A
- Member Updates:
- Eiten (Wheaton College) - Wheaton College is looking at one-time downsizing in response to projected lower enrollment with a one-time hit to library’s collections budget. Wheaton College is a net I-Share lender, this will have a potential effect on I-Share lending.
- Thomson (Rush University) – Question about any other libraries closing down again. Members shared their libraries’ experiences.
- Review of CMC Charge
- Review of committee charge and wrapping up discussion of the CMC’s mission and future contribution to CARLI
- Discussion to include reviewing our possible overlap with other CARLI committees and how we might work together or merge activities
- Most CARLI committees’ charges are written broadly.
- General agreement that there might be some overlap with other committees, but our current committee structure seems to work well.
- Discussion of cooperative collection development among CARLI institutions.
- Lack of funding is an issue for cooperative projects.
- Need for strong member leadership, but member turnover has affected projects in the Past.
- For collaborative efforts, need to identify collection strengths.
- Possibly survey to collection strengths and weaknesses statewide.
- Mention of past OCLC statewide collection analysis project.
- Examine borrowing patterns from other institutions to identify local weaknesses/needs.
- Explore Alma Analytics capabilities.
- Agreement that the CMC charge is okay as is.
- Need for other groups?
- Clarage raised the idea of a group focused on discoverability. Taylor noted there has been discussion about a possible e-resources management group. Agreement that the CMC supports the idea of a CARLI group that focuses on discovery. McGuigan will draft language to forward to CARLI with Eiten’s assistance. By December 1st.
- Subcommittee Updates
- Alma Analytics – Committee believes that there is a need for understanding the terminology used within Alma Analytics. This would be a translation from what CARLI members are familiar with from Voyager reports to the language used by Alma Analytics. Masciadrelli said Technical Services Committee is also interested and will try to coordinate efforts with them.
- Collection Development Help – Consultant Directory – on back burner. Zoom Chat coming up will help address some needs for knowing how others are handling issues.
- Open Access E-Books – This will no longer be a subcommittee update but instead be a regular agenda item for committee to discuss new collections as they are identified. Current status: waiting for latest OA e-book collections to be added to network zone.
- Weeding E-Books – working on report. Met last week, planning for next steps. Noted that this committee would produce recommendations, not prescriptive orders. Complete by time CMC report to Board is due next May.
- Activities for Coming Year
- Discussion of potential webinar or other educational outreach activities.
- Eiten suggested Demand-Driven Acquisitions? There was committee support for that idea for print, ebooks, and media programs.
- Expertise vs crowd-sourcing (patrons get what they want)
- Look for a calendar date
- Bell, McGuigan, and Buckley will look into getting information about DDA at their institutions for use in a future webinar about DDA
- Looking Back to Move Forward: Reflecting on a Challenging Year in Collection Management, the December 11 Zoom Chat about Collection Management.
- Discussion of format – Moderator/facilitator probably needed. David volunteered to moderate.
- Should we have break-out rooms? Since we have 55 registered
- Assign at beginning of session?
- Committee decided to start with the group as a whole and then see if there is interest in break-out rooms.
- Committee decided that there should be backup topics ready to keep conversation going.
- Program will start with a few CMC members sharing experiences. David and Niamh volunteered. CARLI staff will review registrants for the inclusion of a 3rd perspective from a smaller institution.
- Ground rules for participating in the discussion, should participants share in chat to be called on or raise hand?
- Chat would allow moderator to know who asked first.
- Encourage people not to go on and on in chat, and to enter "QUESTION" when they want to speak.
- Masciadrelli and Clarage will work up a slide of ground rules.
- Bell will draft list of topics to generate discussion.
- Send out discussion topics with connection information.
- Bell will moderate the program/Zoom Chat with Masciadrelli and Clarage to monitor chat for questions and comments.
Next Meeting and Deadlines
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 16 from 9:30 – 11:00 am.
December 11, 2020, 11-Noon: Zoom Chat: Looking Back to Move Forward: Reflecting on a Challenging Year in Collection Management
Re-envisioning/Reevaluating our Role in CARLI (Internal Review), Important Dates
- Initial Report Due: Tuesday, December 1, 2020
- Final Report Due: Monday, March 1, 2021