Zoom / Conference Call
Members present: David Bell, co-chair, (Eastern Illinois University), Dan Blewett, co-chair, (College of DuPage), Chad Buckley (Illinois State University), Keith Eiten (Wheaton College), Kelli Getz (DePaul University), Paolo Gujilde (Northwestern University), Lorene Kennard (University of St. Francis), Niamh McGuigan (Loyola University Chicago), Scott Thompson (Rush University)
CARLI Staff present: Elizabeth Clarage, Jennifer Masciadrelli, Nicole Ream-Sotomayor, Jennifer Taylor
Tasks Assigned
- Dan volunteered to take minutes.
- A new minutes-taker schedule will be constructed by Elizabeth and sent out to the committee membership for review.
- All committee members should review the committee’s charge (https://www.carli.illinois.edu/governance/committee-directory/comm?comm_id=40&constit=no&dates=yes) and be prepared to discuss it and the committee review at the next meeting.
- The May minutes were approved.
- The committee will meet monthly on the third Wednesday from 9:30 – 11:00am.
- Elizabeth will schedule the meetings and send connection information to all.
- The committee will discuss at its next meeting an overall committee review and projects for the year.
- The meeting was concluded after 10:30 am.
- Niamh McGuigan was welcomed as a former committee member returning to the committee.
- The FY20 committee’s annual report was sent to CARLI in August. Thanks to David for preparing this report.
- CARLI Update:
- All CARLI staff working remotely.
- All in-person programming cancelled.
- Annual meeting will be virtual on Friday, November 13, 2020.
- CARLI has joined with seven consortia to form the Professional Development Alliance that will offer free continuing education programming available to CARLI members. All programs will be noted on the CARLI calendar.
- Jennifer Taylor reported that things are basically routine in the electronic resources department, she is working on renewals, and for the most part the prices are fairly flat.
- FY21 Consortial Ebook Program:
- MARC records have been added to Alma Network Zone.
- Members need to update authentication information for off campus access.
- Recordings available for Oxford University Press webinars.
- MARC records for the Open Textbook Library materials have been add to the Alma Network Zone.
- The Open Educational Resources Committee has created a virtual OER course in place of the full day OER Train-the-Trainer program. Virtual course offered in September and planned for multiple times throughout the year.
- Dan mentioned that COD is having problems with Primo VE locating records for ebooks and asked if anyone else was having such big problems. No one else reported big issues, and the problem may lie with the way the COD runs its authentication system. It was recommended to send an email to CARLI Support.
- Member announcements:
- College of DuPage – Dan reported that the library has minimal functions. They are providing a requested book pickup service. Most classes are online. The students really miss the physical library, the anatomy models, availability of computers and printing, which highlights the digital divide in society.
- DePaul University – Kelli reported that the library is more restrictive now about who can come into the library. Furniture has been removed and rearranged for social distancing. Computers need to be reserved. Their weeding project is on hold. Concerns about COVID-19 are high due to the heavy use of public transportation by students and staff. Subject librarians are undergoing a reevaluation of their roles and responsibilities. There are some crucial openings in the library administrative area that need to be filled, so that the library can move forward on several issues.
- Eastern Illinois University – David reported that they are offering hybrid classes. The library has closed stacks. Cleaning of computers inside the library is mostly the responsibility of students using those computers, with only limited staff available to do cleaning.
- Illinois State University – Chad reported that the institution was open with mostly 80% of courses online, but worrisome off-campus student behavior has led to a high positivity rate. The library was open. [Note: A week later Chad relayed that due to an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases, the library had closed and access is by scheduled appointment.]
- Loyola University Chicago – Niamh reported that their classes are online only. The library has limited opening with closed stacks.
- Northwestern University – Paolo reported that most of the institution is running online courses, with only limited staff and services inside the library. All year freshman and sophomore courses are online.
- Rush University – Scott reported that as a teaching hospital they reopened on June 8 with hybrid classes. The library has reduced staff by six and reduced hours. However, there is 24/7 card access for the students. The library has instituted social distancing with their space by moving furniture. The budget for the entire institution is down, due to the massive reduction in elective medical procedures.
- University of St. Francis – Lorene reported that she was furloughed for two months. The library is open. Both enrollment and the number of people in the library are down.
- Wheaton College – Keith reported that the library dean’s search is back on. In-person classes are in session, and the library is open for current students only.
- Monthly Meeting Schedule
- It was decided that the committee will meet on the third Wednesday of the month, 9:30 – 11:00 am. Elizabeth will send out the invitations.
- 2019-2020 Projects Review
- Alma Analytics
- The website for this is complete. The subcommittee suggested next steps including a webinar. The committee will need to discuss future steps.
- Collection Development Help – Consultant Directory
- The committee is still waiting on IACRL to provide information.
- Open Access Ebooks
- The committee determined some collections to be added to the I-Share catalog. These should be added to the catalog this year.
- Weeding Ebooks
- An update report on the project was included in the committee’s annual report, but time constraints meant that they were not able to do as much as they wanted to. The subcommittee recommended that the project continue this year.
- 2020-2021 Activities
- The committee reviewed the CARLI All Committee Meeting on July 2.
- Slides and recordings from the meeting are here on the website.https://www.carli.illinois.edu/governance/committee-directory
- The main takeaways include:
- In FY21, each committee should actively discuss whether the group should continue, cease, combine, or split.
- Annual committee projects may be suspended or continued in parallel with a focus on the committee’s future. An opinion was expressed that as the committee’s work is not tied to a particular system, that the committee’s work has not really changed with the implementation of the new Alma/Primo VE system. The committee members should review these projects and see if they want to continue them or suggest another project.
- In short, the committee’s project for the year can be its re-envisioning. The committee will discuss this matter in its next meeting. A draft report is due by December 1 to the CARLI Board, with the final report due by March.
- The committee should review its charge and be prepared to discuss it during the October meeting. The charge is:
The CARLI Collection Management Committee works with the CARLI staff and members to identify, develop, and encourage cooperation and collaboration in the development and management of collection in all formats and media. This work is done in order to maximize the accessibility of resources shared, and to capitalize on the depth and breadth of information resources accessible to student, faculty and staff and all member institutions. The committee will identify innovations, including efficient and cost effective best practices, for the management of statewide collections. The Collection Management Committee will collaborate with other CARLI committees and ad hoc groups to discuss issues of common interest and to facilitate joint program planning.
The committee may be assigned projects by the Board of Directors, or may independently develop projects and initiatives within the scope of its charge or in collaboration with other ad hoc groups. The committee will identify educational and training needs within its scope of responsibility and its collaboration with other committees, and will develop workshops, seminars, webinars, or other education opportunities to meet the needs of the membership. The committee will prepare appropriate documentation and reports, and will submit an annual report of its activities and accomplishments to Board of Directors.
Next Meeting and Deadlines
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 21 from 9:30 – 11:00 am.