Zoom / Conference Call
Members attending: David Bell, co-chair (Eastern Illinois University), Daniel Blewett, co-chair (College of DuPage), Chad Buckley (Illinois State University), Keith Eiten (Wheaton College), Kelli Getz (DePaul University), Lorene Kennard (University of St. Francis), Taran Ley, Board liaison (Southern Illinois University School of Medicine), Paolo Gujilde (Northwestern University), Gretchen Schneider (Oakton Community College), Scott Thomson (Rush University)
CARLI staff present: Elizabeth Clarage
Tasks Assigned
- Annual report construction:
- Elizabeth will send a copy of last year’s Annual Project and Annual Report to David as examples.
- David will create template for annual report.
- Subcommittee Meetings: All will meet within the next two weeks.
- Committee Structure: Those that are not able to continue on the committee in the upcoming year should send an email to Elizabeth and Jen.
- The Getty Publications Virtual Library will be added to the CARLI Open Access Collection.
- CARLI Update:
- Alma & Primo VE Migration on track.
- CARLI has a fully executed contract with Wiley to provide access to consortially funded e-books for one year, beginning July 1, 2020. The Oxford University Press contract is still in progress.
- Member Announcements:
- Gretchen Schneider (Oakton Community College)
- Oakton is closed until May 16, and all summer classes will be online.
- Training a lot of people.
- The Oakton Education Foundation gave money to purchase Chromebooks and hot spots for students without a computer or WiFi at home.
- Lorene Kennard (University of St. Francis)
- Most of the campus is closed, except for the main floor of the library, which is open, but not staffed.
- David Bell, co-chair (Eastern Illinois University
- The fourth floor of the library, which contains a computer lab, is open with reduced hours for faculty, staff and students.
- Kelli Getz (DePaul University)
- The library building is closed. DePaul is on the quarter system. Their Spring Quarter started this past Monday.
- Summer classes will be online.
- Kelli is chairing a library task force to review the library faculty liaison program.
- Taran Ley (Southern Illinois University School of Medicine)
- All staff are working remotely.
- The staff are taking advantage of professional development opportunities.
- Scott Thomson (Rush University)
- Rush University is working on a large COVID-19 research project. The library is pulling together all clinical trial information for a central landing hub on the topic.
- The library building is closed.
- Chad Buckley (Illinois State University)
- The library building is closed.
- The library staff created a LibGuide for free publisher resources.
- Keith Eiten (Wheaton College)
- The library building is closed.
- Circulation staff are on hand.
- The college is searching for a new dean and provost.
- Paolo Gujilde (Northwestern University)
- The library building is closed.
- Spring quarter will be online.
- Staff are working on open PO lines in Alma.
- Daniel Blewett, co-chair (College of DuPage)
- The library building is closed.
- Summer will probably be online.
- Everyone will probably be scheduled like they are working at the library.
- Alma Analytics
- The subgroup shared the draft website for the project with the committee.
- Resources are categorized by topic and the group is writing descriptive blurbs for the links.
- Collection Development Help-Consultants
- Nothing to report. The group will plan a meeting soon.
- Open Access Ebooks
- The subcommittee recommended to the committee that the Getty Publications Virtual Library (GPVL) ebooks be added to the CARLI Open Access eBook collection. The GPVL is comprised of over 350 titles from the art museum. Members of the committee discussed and voted to include this collection in the CARLI Open Access Ebook Collection.
- Weeding Ebooks
- The subgroup continues its work and plans to finish a white paper for the April deadline.
- Committee Structure
- Committee members had received an email about the CARLI Committee structure for the upcoming year, and current committee members were asked if they would continue for the upcoming year. Most noted that they would be able to continue.
- Gretchen noted that that she is not able to continue on the committee for 2020-21.
- Dan and David are both willing to continue to be co-chairs. Committee chairs / co-chairs will be decided in June.
Next Meeting and Deadlines
- The next meeting will take place virtually on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 9:30 – 11:00 am. Gretchen Schneider will take minutes for the next meeting.