Zoom / Conference Call
Members attending: David Bell, co-chair (Eastern Illinois University), Daniel Blewett, co-chair (College of DuPage), Chad Buckley (Illinois State University), Keith Eiten (Wheaton College), Kelli Getz (DePaul University), Paolo Gujilde (Northwestern University), Scott Thomson (Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science),
Members absent: Lorene Kennard (University of St. Francis), Gretchen Schneider (Oakton Community College)
CARLI staff present: Elizabeth Clarage and Jennifer Masciadrelli
- Minutes for November 13, 2019 meeting were approved unanimously.
Tasks Assigned
- Scott will take minutes this month. Kelly will take minutes next month.
- David will lead the January meeting.
- CARLI Updates
- Annual meeting was held in November. Presentations and handouts from the meeting are now available online.
- There will be a “40th anniversary of resource sharing” celebration during the annual ALA meeting, which will be held in Chicago this June.
- CARLI announced a new scholarship for staff members of CARLI libraries who are pursuing their MSLIS degree at the U of I iSchool.
- Elizabeth asked us to keep in mind that committee updates from the annual meeting may not completely capture what the committee is doing this year.
- Testing phase is on-going for Alma and Primo VE.
- Jennifer stated that things are on-track and June 24th is the go-live date.
- Users can now begin to customize public discovery layer.
- More in-person training opportunities are forthcoming. Dates are available on the CARLI website, and registration is forthcoming.
- CARLI is encouraging more members to get involved with testing and training.
- Primo VE certificate training is available online and takes approximately 2 hours.
- CARLI office will be closed from December 24th – January 1st.
- Anne Craig, CARLI Director, is holding a new round of listening sessions throughout the state. Interested library directors should check the CARLI website for locations and dates.
- CARLI has entered into a contract with EBSCO for the authentication system OpenAthens.
- Alma requires an authentication system to function, so OpenAthens will now be available as an option for member libraries who do not have one.
- OpenAthens will be available to non-I-Share libraries as well.
- Elizabeth mentioned that CARLI members who already subscribe to OpenAthens should contact the CARLI office to discuss potential discounts and subscription options going forward.
- Member Announcements
- David Bell, co-chair (Eastern Illinois University)
- Impressed with progress on Alma and Primo, as stated at CARLI annual meeting.
- Semester is winding down. The library is providing stress-relief activities for students during finals, including therapy dogs.
- Daniel Blewett, co-chair (College of DuPage)
- COD is hiring new adjunct library positions in January.
- Chad Buckley (Illinois State University)
- The library has four ongoing searches for new positions, including dean.
- Search for a new Provost is anticipated this spring.
- Student success center is being added to the library.
- Keith Eiten (Wheaton College)
- Wheaton’s move from Dewey to LC is complete.
- Background work continues for specific items – ex. music scores.
- Search for new dean of libraries continues. Six people have completed the essay portion of the process and are being reviewed for Feb/March interviews.
- The Provost is resigning. The Dean of Libraries is a direct report.
- Fundraising goals are being set for library remodeling.
- Special considerations include considering off-site storage to bring down square footage requirements, etc. Possibly moving 25% of circulating print collection.
- Off-site facility already exists. It’s nearby and has recently had HVAC upgrades to better control temp and humidity.
- Last major library renovation was in 1976.
- The library is increasing the electronic portion of the collection by moving from print to electronic when it makes sense.
- Kelli Getz (DePaul University)
- The library has lots of positions to fill.
- The library has recently hired an acquisitions and e-resources librarian who will start in January.
- Holding on-campus interviews for collections assistant position in January.
- The University Librarian position will be posted in January.
- Access Services Coordinator position is posted.
- AUL for Collections and Technical Services search is underway. Interview decisions to be made in January.
- Paolo Gujilde (Northwestern University)
- Applications for AUL of Collections and Consortia are now being accepted.
- Acquisitions department is currently down two positions with three retirements expected later this year.
- Scott Thomson (Rosalind Franklin University)
- Hiring new circulation assistant.
- New Research Park is open on the first floor.
- Open Access eBooks
- Paolo reported that the group met 12/10.
- The group will be testing whether or not open access ebook records can be turned on/off by member libraries.
- They will consider potential collections/title groups to add, both general and subject specific by reviewing those available in the WorldShare Knowledge Management Base.
- Weeding eBooks
- Scott reported that the subgroup met November 22, 2019.
- Conducting research to identify sources for the assembly of our planned best practices guide for weeding ebooks.
- Olivia Peterson from RFUMS contributed a great deal of new research/citations for the group’s working document.
- January meeting is being scheduled.
- Alma Analytics
- Jennifer reported that the subgroup met on December 10th.
- They created a sheet for current resources that may guide us in the future.
- The group is gathering additional information and resources toward creating a web-based resource guide for members.
- The CARLI Technical Services Committee is gathering resources to help people in tech services including Ex Libris training videos, etc. that help with Alma. Their project dovetails with the Alma Analytics group project. The CARLI Resource Sharing committee is helping gather tools as well.
- Streaming Videos and Data Sets
- This work is being done by CARLI staff and will be removed from the agenda going forward unless something relevant comes up.
- Collection Development Help
- David reported that the subgroup met on 12/9.
- Elizabeth reported that IACRL is creating a directory of experts.
- David is following up with IACRL to determine if there is overlap between the two projects.
- He will ask if this group can partner with them to see if each can work on various parts.
Next Meeting and Deadlines
The next meeting will be Wednesday, January 8th 2020(!) from 9:30am -11:00am