DePaul University, Chicago
Members attending: David Bell, co-chair (Eastern Illinois University) (by phone), Daniel Blewett, co-chair (College of DuPage), Chad Buckley (Illinois State University), Keith Eiten (Wheaton College), Kelli Getz (DePaul University), Paolo Gujilde (Northwestern University), Lorene Kennard (University of St. Francis) (by phone), Taran Ley, Board Liaison (Southern Illinois University of Medicine) (by phone), Gretchen Schneider, (Oakton Community College), and Scott Thomson (Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science)
CARLI staff present: Anne Craig (by phone), Elizabeth Clarage, and Jennifer Masciadrelli (by phone)
- June minutes were accepted with some edits.
- The committee will meet monthly on the 3rd Wednesday from 9:30-11am.
- Committee will try meeting via Zoom in October.
- The Committee will work on several projects this year.
- Alma Analytics: Chad, Gretchen, Paolo
- EBook Weeding: Keith, Kelli, Scott
- OA eBooks: Dan, David, Keith
- Print Collection Practices: David, Lorene
- Schedule of minutes for the upcoming year:
- Sept.: Lorene
- Oct.: Gretchen
- Nov: Scott
- Dec: Chad
- Jan: Keith
- Feb: Kelli
- Mar: Paolo
- Apr: Lorene
- May: Gretchen
- June: Scott
- Thank you to Kelli for hosting the meeting at DePaul University.
- CARLI Updates:
- The CARLI Annual Meeting set for November 15, 2019 in Champaign.
- CARLI is hosting with the iSchool at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign a Career Fair on November 14.
- There will be a Mid-Level Leadership Symposium to be held on September 25, 2019.
- CARLI is working to establish a scholarship in support of one CARLI member staffer to attend graduate school at UIUC to commemorate the 40th anniversary of resource sharing in Illinois.
- ALMA Primo VE live date is scheduled for June 24, 2020.
- Board liaisons are appointed to committees to enhance communication and collaboration.
- Member Announcements:
- Lorene Kennard (University of St. Francis)
- Projects related to 100 years anniversary of the university.
- Taran Ley, Board Liaison (Southern Illinois University of Medicine)
- Waiting for budget to pass. Staff is highly involved in the Alma implementation.
- Keith Eiten (Wheaton College)
- Two big projects: 1.) Reclassifying circulating collections from Dewey to LC; and 2.) Planning for possible major remodeling or addition to existing library building.
- Hiring a new Dean of Library
- Scott Thomson (Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science)
- Recent projects include changing library hours to 24/7 and preparing for medical school accreditation.
- Chad Buckley (Illinois State University)
- ISU reclaiming some space and hiring a new librarian and a new Dean this Fall.
- Paolo Gujilde (Northwestern University)
- Preparing for Fall quarter in September.
- Kelli Getz (DePaul University)
- Quarter system starts September 11, 2019.
- DePaul is working on a large scale weeding project to prepare for a renovation of two floors of the library to build new study rooms.
- The Library is looking at its current liaison model and may move to a new system.
- They are in the process of hiring a search firm for new University Librarian; Posted AUL position for collections and technology; Phone interviews for Acquisitions Librarian; Humanities Librarian leaving.
- David Bell (Eastern Illinois University)
- New Library Dean has been at EIU for a year.
- Strategic planning committee is mapping the future.
- Developing a center for student innovation (makerspace/collaborative work space).
- Gretchen Schneider, (Oakton Community College)
- The library has hired new Full-time librarian.
- Their semester started.
- She is working on the marketing committee for the library and there is new library swag for Fall Fest available.
- College is in the middle of its 50th anniversary.
- Daniel Blewett, co-chair (College of DuPage)
- Campus art museum is hosting a Frida Kahlo exhibit, and the Library acquired new books on Frida Kahlo.
- The library has been rearranged.
- College of DuPage faculty are in contract negotiations.
- HLC will be visiting for review.
Tasks Assigned
- Paolo will take minutes.
- Share group space documents folder to all committee members. (TASK for Elizabeth)
- Last copy program review (TASK - Elizabeth) - clarification needed on whether this is academic only.
- Scholarly Communication web page - Take to Anne on whether or not CARLI keeps this page. (TASK – Elizabeth and Jen)
- Streaming videos and Data Sets (TASK – Elizabeth will discuss with Jenny in CARLI.)
- The Committee discussed possible annual projects.
- Weeding Electronic Books
- Questions on best practices including criteria for weeding electronic books.
- Kelli, Scott, and Keith will work on this project.
- Alma Analytics
- Will focus on what is available for collection development/management.
- Exploratory year with possible training modules the following year after Alma implementation.
- Gretchen, Paolo, and Chad will work on this project.
- Survey of print book purchases?
- David proposed exploring print acquisition practices in the state; Discussion on this area included print collection weeding practices, last copy program, budget, etc.
- David’s proposal will be explored more as a discussion and possible webinar.
- David and Lorene will look into possible prompts for a webinar.
- Streaming Videos and Data Sets (Task: Elizabeth will talk with Jenny)
- Questions on what is available and the gaps in the collection.
- This is a possible project.
- Open Access eBooks (Continue to identify O.A. collections for inclusion in the I-Share catalog, but no implementation until ALMA is running smoothly.)
- Ongoing project
- David, Dan, and Keith will work on this project.
Next meeting and Deadlines
The next meeting will be September 18 from 9:30-11am. Conference call information forthcoming.