Adobe Connect / Conference Call
Members attending: David Bell, (Eastern Illinois University), Daniel Blewett, co-chair (College of DuPage), Chad Buckley (Illinois State University), Kelli Getz (DePaul University), Paolo Gujilde (Northwestern University), Michelle Oh (Northeastern Illinois University), Gretchen Schneider, co-chair (Oakton Community College), Kimberly Shotick (Illinois Institute of Technology)
Members absent: Connie James-Jenkin (Illinois Math and Science Academy)
CARLI staff present: Elizabeth Clarage, Jennifer Masciadrelli
- CARLI Updates:
- CARLI will hold an all-committee meeting webinar on July 23.
- Alma location codes are set. The first test load phase of the migration project is in the works. There will be a late kickoff meeting in July. CARLI is also collecting data to share with Ex Libris.
- CARLI staff attended a three-day training with Ex Libris. They also met with Ex Libris staff to set trainings, decide on office hours, and other things necessary to prepare for the migration. More information regarding the Alma migration can be found on the section of CARLI’s website dedicated to the migration.
- The CARLI Board will meet this Friday. They will be reading over committee annual reports.
- Committee Updates:
- New members of the CARLI Collection Management Committee include Keith Eiten (Wheaton College), Lorene Kennard (University of St. Francis), and Scott Thomson (Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science). Their term will begin in July.
- Members rolling off the committee include Connie James-Jenkin (Illinois Math and Science Academy), Michelle Oh (Northeastern Illinois University), and Kimberly Shotick (Illinois Institute of Technology). Their term ends on June 30.
- Gretchen and Dan are the current co-chairs. Dan agreed to continue as a co-leader. The committee voted David Bell in as the second co-leader for the 2019/2020 committee cycle.
- Member Announcements
- Chad: Illinois State University Library will be advertising for a new digital librarian, dean, and two science librarians this summer.
- David: Eastern Illinois University is developing a student innovation center that will have 3D printing, scanning services, and much more. They will be hosting a ComicCon sort of event in Fall 2020.
- Gretchen: Gretchen will now be part of Oakton Community College’s freshman orientation.
- Kelli: Recently filled positions at DePaul include the archivist, serials assistant, and data literacy librarian positions. Newly advertised positions include an acquisitions & e-resources librarian and an access services staff position.
- Kimberly: IIT will be posting an opening for a brand new access services librarian position. Interviews are underway for a digital resources librarian. There will be an interim dean for the foreseeable future.
- Michelle: Northeastern Illinois University hired a continuing resources and metadata librarian. Their new dean will begin on August 1.
- Paolo: At Northwestern University, they are finishing up their quarter and beginning summer projects.
- Dan: Librarians at the College of DuPage are busy weeding, shifting, and shelf reading. The college lawyer was recently nominated to be a federal judge in the northern district of Illinois. Dan went to a library marketing and outreach event at DePaul. He said that there were many interesting topics discussed, especially on how to engage people with collections.
Tasks Assigned
- Paolo Gujilde will take minutes at the next meeting.
- Project updates
- Open Access eBooks – No additional collections will be added to Voyager. It will be very easy to upload OA ebook collections in Alma.
- Purchased eBook Statistics – This project was table for a future meeting.
- Textbook Reserves and Curriculum Materials – The subgroup completed the data analysis phase of the project. The findings were included in the committee’s annual report.
- UB Stats Webinars – This project is on hold and will resume after the Alma migration.
- Elizabeth cleaned up and finished the committee’s annual report that will be sent to the CARLI Board. There are appendices in the online version, but they will not be included in the paper report sent to the Board because the appendices are too long to include.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be an in-person meeting and will include the new committee members. Kelli agreed to hold the meeting at DePaul’s Lincoln Park campus. Kelli will check the schedule and suggest some potential meeting dates in late July/August.