Adobe Connect / Conference Call
Members attending: David Bell, (Eastern Illinois University), Daniel Blewett, co-chair (College of DuPage), Kelli Getz (DePaul University), Paolo Gujilde (Northwestern University), Connie James-Jenkin (Illinois Math and Science Academy), Michelle Oh (Northeastern Illinois University), Gretchen Schneider, co-chair (Oakton Community College)
Members absent: Chad Buckley (Illinois State University), Kimberly Shotick (Illinois Institute of Technology)
CARLI staff present: Elizabeth Clarage, Jennifer Masciadrelli
- Member Announcements:
- Dan: Reorganization at College of DuPage would take library out of academic area administratively. The library is working on LibGuides. Doing many individual research consultations at present.
- Kelli: DePaul is conducting interviews for archivist position, serials position, and data literacy librarian position. Their head of research services within the library is retiring in July. Kelli is training with her. Major weeding project starting tomorrow as the library is planning for a major renovation to create more study rooms and more space is needed.
- Paulo – He is looking at workflows and processes to improve efficiency in his area.
- Connie – IMSA is winding down the year. Three weeks are left to its school year. Keeping track of CARLI projects.
- Michelle— The NEIU library dean search is nearing completion. The search announcement is out for a metadata librarian.
- Gretchen – The library is gearing up for 50-year anniversary of college. College-wide website redesign in design phase, idea is to make it more marketing-centric.
- CARLI Updates:
- Conservation Lab open house focusing on preservation of non-book materials will be held June 7 at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and the Illinois State Military Museum in Springfield. Registration link:
- An all-committee meeting will be held. This is still in the planning stages. It will be a webinar, probably in late June or early July.
- Alma update: this week CARLI got dates from Ex Libris for test migration load. Kris Hammerstrand sent letter by email on 5/8/19 to library contacts with project dates and deadlines. Data from libraries will be test loaded by late September. Cleanup of data by libraries will be done after this test load. The five Vanguard libraries will essentially get two test loads. First one will inform test load of all libraries. Webinars will be held to inform libraries of best practices for participation. Call-in sessions will also be held to assist libraries. Also, in-person consultations at individual libraries will be conducted as needed.
- Alma will be active behind the scenes for several months for libraries to make adjustments and get used to how it works. During that time, libraries will still be using Voyager for daily operations. This process is designed to ensure that the transition to Alma is as smooth as possible for all libraries.
Tasks Assigned
- David Bell took minutes.
- Subcommittees will contribute content for the Annual Project document by Thursday May 16. David will work on introduction, Dan on textbooks, and Connie on OA section. A link to the survey results will be included in this document for access to charts and detailed data.
- Members of the subgroup working on textbook and curriculum survey results will complete Textbook Reserves and Curriculum Collections: A Survey of CARLI Libraries report that will be added to the Annual Project document.
- Kelli Getz will take the June meeting minutes.
- Minutes of the last meeting were approved.
- Collection Related Reports Available From Your Voyager Data: Website is largely completed, but has some needed updates before final publication. Webinars on this topic tabled until 2021, in anticipation of switch from Voyager to Alma.
- Full results of the survey will be added as an appendix to the Final Project report.
- Textbook Reserves and Open Access E-books – Subcommittees working on their portions of the annual report. Textbook survey results will be further analyzed. Conclusions so far:
- Dan: Many libraries respond that managing a textbook program is too complex and expensive. Many are looking to OER as a possible solution.
- Paolo: Asked, “Will CARLI work to create a plan to assist libraries in this area similar to how OhioLink has contracted with textbook publishers?”
- Gretchen: Maybe a best practices document could be produced to assist libraries in creating textbook reserves? Or possibly classes could be held for libraries wanting to implement a textbook program.
- Elizabeth: It would most likely be an RFI or an RFP from the CARLI end due to the nature of the materials. Staff will be concentrating efforts on the ALMA transition. However, committee should make recommendations.
Next Meeting
Call in meeting, Thursday, June 13, 9:30 -11 am.