Conference Call / Adobe Connect
Members attending: David Bell, (Eastern Illinois University), Daniel Blewett, co-chair (College of DuPage), Kelli Getz (DePaul University), Connie James-Jenkin (Illinois Math and Science Academy), Michelle Oh (Northeastern Illinois University), Gretchen Schneider, co-chair (Oakton Community College), Kimberly Shotick (Illinois Institute of Technology)
Members absent: Chad Buckley (Illinois State University), Paolo Gujilde (Northwestern University)
CARLI staff present: Elizabeth Clarage, Jennifer Masciadrelli
- CARLI Announcements:
- Registration is available for Protective Enclosure Workshop on May 8 and an OER Workshop on April 29. More details and all items are on the CARLI Calendar.
- CARLI continues to work on an eBook RFI, if you have any suggested vendors contact Elizabeth with this information. The RFI will be for member funded purchases of consortial ebooks, so multiple vendors can be selected.
- The work continues on the Alma migration for I-Share Libraries. CARLI staff were invited to Northwestern University Libraries, which has been on Alma for several years, and talked about their experience with the migration, e.g. what went well, what didn’t go well. Kris Hammerstrand shared information on how to get started with ALMA stuff now at the recent Change Management Forum, details are available on the CARLI website. The User Services Group and most of the CARLI staff are deep into working on this migration, the Vanguard group of 5 libraries are testing the migration process to Alma. Every library will have a test site for several months before moving forward and the tentative live date of June 2020, but there’s still no final timeline.
- Member announcements:
- Illinois Math and Science Academy had no announcements.
- Eastern Illinois University is preparing events for National Library Week, including a book sale and edible book event. The University is celebrating the 100th anniversary of the University’s Yearbook the Warbler and David was invited to speak for the event on behalf of the library.
- DePaul’s Director position is still vacant and there are plans to advertise it in Spring or early summer. Due to their quarter system, it is a busy time in their library.
- Northeastern Illinois University is still in the process of hiring a Dean of Libraries and a Continuing Resources & Metadata Librarian. They recently hosted a Faculty Research and Creative Works event and will be contributing to the campus Student Research Symposium on April 19.
- Oakton Community College has three new board members in a recent election, one of whom is a librarian. They are starting to review applications for a full time tenure track librarian position. As part of the Marketing Committee, the library is doing a number of events for National Poetry Month including magnetic poetry and wrapping up for National Library Week with some events for this as well.
- Illinois Institute of Technology has a new Interim Dean, which means some changes will be coming to current positions. A Digital Resources Management Position will be opening up. Also, Kimberly is part of ACRL’s Library Marketing and Outreach Interest Group and is recruiting for members. Contact Kimberly for more information.
- College of DuPage is cleaning up book orders for the end of April and is doing some shifting to make some materials more visible, as well as create more programming space. There have been some issues about behavior in the group study rooms. They also have a physical audio book collection that they’ve stopped buying for and the committee had a brief informal poll of committee members indicating other libraries are not collecting these.
Tasks Assigned
- Gretchen will send her availability to Jen and Elizabeth for polls.
- Jen will send out a Doodle Poll to set up a time for those working on the Open Access eBook project and a for the group working on the webinars.
- Michelle will deduplicate results of the Textbook Survey during the week of April 15 and Elizabeth will use these changes to update the SurveyMonkey results before April 22.
- Elizabeth will send out a Doodle Poll to set up a meeting for the Textbook & Education Curriculum Materials Survey subcommittee members.
- David and Michelle will reach out to colleagues about potential participation in the webinar on Statistics Driven Collection Development.
- Chad will take minutes next month.
- Minutes from the March 2019 minutes will be voted on via email after updates.
- Change Management Forum was a great success. Lots of good feedback on the presentations and about information on the Alma migration from CARLI staff member Kris Hammerstrand. Any additional feedback can be given directly to Jen who is also putting together an evaluation form. If anyone has specific questions they’d like on this form, please contact Jen.
- Purchased eBooks Statistics
- Elizabeth is working to get statistics that Paolo and Gretchen will be using for this project.
- Open Access eBooks
- The group will not be identifying additional OA collections, but will focus on discussing how the project has gone and how these might go into the annual report. Some members have seen open access items in the catalog already, but it’s hard to gauge their use as we can’t track click-throughs.
- Textbook Reserves & Curriculum Materials:
- The results of the survey are in. In some instances, institutions answered the survey twice. The group decided that it would be worthwhile to de-duplicate the results. Challenges of the survey include varied definitions of the types of materials in each of these collections. Given that some responses include the lack of a collection development policy, a takeaway for a future group might be a project/training on how to update or create a CD policy. This survey was intended to get a sense of how libraries are approaching this service around the state and hopefully the report will be useful in identifying trends and strengths.
- Statistics/Collection Development Webinars
- The first webinar is scheduled for June 11, 10-11 am with the general topic of how librarians or libraries are (or are not) looking at your collection development using statistics. Michelle and David will check with colleagues who might be interested in presenting for the webinar at their institutions. Gretchen will send out an email asking for ideas that can be discussed in the webinar if no one volunteers to present and someone from the committee may present the cumulated ideas.
Next meeting
The next meeting is on Thursday, May 9, 9:30 -11 am.