Members attending: David Bell (Eastern Illinois University); Chad Buckley (Illinois State University); Kelli Getz (DePaul University); Connie James-Jenkin (Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy); Gretchen Schneider, co-chair, (Oakton Community College); Kimberly Shotick (Illinois Institute of Technology)
Members absent: Dan Blewett, co-chair (College of DuPage), Paolo Gujilde (National Louis University), Michelle Oh (Northeastern Illinois University)
CARLI staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage, Jen Masciadrelli
- Member announcements:
- EIU has a theater archive that is going into the IR, but it would be a good candidate for the CLIR grant. Their building renovations are moving forward. They are trying out various SpringShare products. They have a space exploration exhibit.
- DePaul filled several positions, more are open.
- Oakton is celebrating 50 years of being open. There is a tenure track position open. There is an Oakton Reads program.
- CARLI Updates:
- CARLI is getting geared up for the transition to ALMA. 20 libraries applied to be “vanguards” and 5 will be selected sometime next week.
- CLIR Hidden Collections grant survey is open until 2/15.
- Created Content Committee hosted a linked data webinar. The next one will be linked data in the catalog. The third is about digitization projects using linked data.
Tasks Assigned
- Kimberly Shotick took minutes.
- David will take minutes next meeting.
- Kimberly will come up with titles and a description for the breakouts and will send to Kelli, Dan, Jen, and Elizabeth.
- Gretchen will send the UB webinar info to CMC for feedback.
- January minutes were approved with corrections.
- The full list of OA titles recommended by the subcommittee was approved.
- Purchased eBooks Statistics: Tabled until next meeting.
- CMC will offer two breakouts for the Change Management Forum.
- Change Management Forum
- The event is full. Very full.
- The five attendees from CMC are: Kelli, Paolo, Michelle, Gretchen, and Kimberly.
- Breakout 1: Changes in collections: Budget crisis, what to keep, open access materials, and textbooks.
- Breakout 2: Project Management Tools.
- Open Access eBooks
- CARLI is loading the first collection at the end of the month.
- 48 libraries have opted in.
- The full list of OA titles recommended by the subcommittee was approved.
- Purchased eBooks Statistics
- Tabled until next meeting.
- Textbook Reserves
- Survey was extended to March 8th.
- UB Stats
- Webinar topics were discussed.
- CARLI Scholarly Communications website
- Connie and David volunteered to review the website.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be a conference call on March 14, 2019 from 9:30 – 11:00 am.